you hung the moon

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i'm watching the day the earth stood still,

the 2008 version, up to my neck in lavender scented bubbles,

and it's funny, because although the film is stupid,

action and sci-fi and aliens and monsters,

the title is oh-so poetic,

and it describes how i feel the world is right now,

how i am right now,

the day the earth stood still,

because you're gone,

my parents seem to have forgotten me,

my friends won't leave me alone,

your words have ripped me apart,

and, i must be insane,

something must be wrong in my head,

because you're my favourite kind of pain,

although you're the pain that hurts the worst,

ripping my heart to shreds, again and again,

like some kind of curse,

it hurts like ripping a band-aid off bloodstained skin,

and yet worse,

it hurts like how it hurts when my head is slammed against the wall,

hurts like the burn of coffee roasted too hot,

like the jolt of pain when a needle is pressed into skin,

like the sting of a loved one's sob,

but multiplied by ten,

because you rip my heart apart,

( then you come and glue it back together )

and it hurts more and more each time, it's so hard,

and the earth stands still,

i stand on it,

a l o n e ,

because yes, i have friends, family, acquaintances,

but i don't have you,

and i hate how dependant i am on you,

i hate it,

but you told me it was good, it was right,

and i believed you, because you hung the moon,

but now you're g o n e .

- r.s.

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