why we need feminism!

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apparently, according to (white, privileged) men, "WE DON'T NEED FEMINISM!" even though us women make cents to a (white) male's dollar and even though we get raped more than men and then are told that even though we were the victim it was our fault because apparently displaying our shoulders was asking for it and even though people (boys) don't understand us when we say no, we don't need feminism. pray tell, what is this female privilege you speak of? because we're told our bodies are temples and we must keep them clean for the men who wish to worship them and because we get catcalled and we're not allowed to complain when they see us as an object of lust even if we don't wish to be seen as that and the colour shoved into our hands when we ask for clothes is always always pink, a secondary colour made out of white, which is our skin colour unless we're cruising for a bruising, and red, the colour of the blood we fight so hard to protect. 'the colour that boys get?' you ask. BLUE. A PRIMARY COLOUR, IT'S OWN, MORE ORIGINAL, MORE IMPORTANT THAN A SECONDARY COLOUR.


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