warren worthington iii

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so this is a very dramatic and also very chronologically incorrect poem about the marvel character and x-man warren worthington iii / angel / archangel / death (he has a lot of names ok)

his timeline is complicated as fuck, as his timeline in the film is a. very very different from the comic's one and b. riddled with continuity errors, so i wrote this as close as i could get. the ages aren't really the right ones, i just went 'right he probably got his wings about then' and yeah

if you don't watch the x-men or marvel films in general, that's fine, this should make sense anyway, but basically he's a mutant, hence the wings. cool? cool.

a very awesome edit of him (in x-men apocalypse) above.

here we go!

the angel at the age of five is blonde curls and baby blue eyes, feet pattering on the marble floors, cherubic grins and giggles. the angel at the age of five is nothing but a mere cherub.

the angel at the age of eight is jubilant, bursts of laughter and biking and crying to mummy about his grazed knee. she doesn't blink an eye. the angel doesn't have his wings, not yet.

the angel at the age of ten is scared, stressed and his wings are growing, oh god, his wings are growing, who is he? what's going on? the angel doesn't want his wings.

the angel at the age of fourteen is a brave and heroic rescuer. he saves his friends' lives and he flies, flies, flies. the angel calls himself the avenging angel.

the angel at the age of eighteen fights in locked cages and he shaves the sides of his head so curly blond locks fall off and drinks, drinks, drinks. the angel is fallen.

the archangel at the age of nineteen wears spiky leather jackets and metal toed boots and the apocalypse gives him metal wings so he can kill with them. the archangel is an angel no more.

the archangel at the age of twenty wreaks havoc on the world and protects his master, who kills him because he is worthless once he fails. the archangel is a warrior.

the archangel at the age of twenty one flies no more. the archangel is dead.

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