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love is not a raw emotion, stemmed purely from the heart,

it is a combination of chemicals, expressed in letters and numbers,

it can be manufactured easily in a lab, out of dopamine, seratonin and oxytocin,
and it can be consumed or injected into the blood,

but if taken in too great a quantities,
it can cause psychological damage, insanity, extreme paranoia and schizophrenia,

love can make you go insane, if you have too much of it,

so to all those people who have a lover, a family and maybe a single friend,

you're doing just great.

to all of you who are friends with what seems like the entire school,
you have 20 on and off partners,
and your family is the size of russia,
you're in danger of going nuts.

rein in, choose the people you love the most,
the people who don't hurt you,
who care for you,
who know you,

and love them,
let your brain produce the chemical that is love,
and let it envelop you,
just don't let your brain make too much,

or else you'll loose your mind,
go off your rocker,
round the bend,
you'll be madder than a hatter.

- r.s.

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