i'm angry.

17 1 0

so im coming home from my friend's house, my dad is driving, and we're listening to the the radio, where the news says loudly 'syrian refugee kills woman with machete in germany.'

i have several problems with this. first of all, who gives a flying fuck that this is a syrian refugee? what does their nationality and their status have to do with the fact that they murdered someone?

if a white man from england did the same thing, it would not be mentioned that he was british or white. in fact, it probably wouldn't even be on the fucking news.

if you murder someone, if you commit a C R I M E , i do not give one single solitary shit about your race. all i care about is the fact that you committed a crime, and should be punished. WHY IN THE NAME OF LUCIFER DOES RACE HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT?

the news reporter goes on to say that it has been investigated, and was not an act of terrorism. i realise this isn't the news reporter's fault, but why in the motherfucking lord would it be an act of terror? it was a single guy with a machete who killed a single person.

sure, the person is a syrian refugee, but that means nothing! the kkk are a terror group, and they're all white and  (')christian(')!

if a person is a certain religion or race, that does not mean they are a terrorist. how would you like it if i called you a terrorist because of the religion you believed in or the colour of your fucking skin?

i just really hate the media sometimes ok bye


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