that table we live/love at

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someone asks me about my home and i don't think about where i live. i think about that lunch table at school that me and all my friends go to when we finish our classes. i can tell you exactly what everyone is going to buy, or dig out from their bags to eat, because we are creatures of habit. we'll sit down and talk about that chemistry test we had last period or the fact that there was a fire in our next door neighbour's house yesterday or the fact that we were late but so was our form teacher so it was okay. i'll probably start reading and my friend will look over my shoulder because we read the same books, and we will sit there whilst we eat. sometimes one of us will start complaining about how cold it is and shivering and someone will get up to go turn the lock on the automatic doors so every time someone walks past it doesn't open. on fridays we'll go down at one and get fish and chips even though some of my friends whine because they want to stay upstairs. the chips are lukewarm sometimes, but it's okay. i guess we've had a lot of arguments there but we've had a lot of really great times too and it's kind of my favourite place and it's kind of my home.

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