Bag of Chips

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The high school life portrayed in movies is over exaggerated; however the part where girls whisper and giggle when a hot new guy comes new to the school is so true.

But girls find anyone who's new attractive so I couldn't really care less about any new foreign looking kid so I continue walking to fourth form until I hear a familiar voice and stop

"Hey," and it's Niall. I have other friends, like a lot; but he's like a brother , grew up together and the whole deal. "Have you actually seen the new kid? I mean I'm not secretly gay like you but , Harry Styles , I am telling you now to hop on that," His hand is on my shoulder and his eyes are big.

I shrug him off and give him a dimple, "What makes you even think he's gay?"

"I mean I don't know but c'mon, if a shit ton of girls are starring and you're not looking at ass or tits... you are gay. They don't put me in AP classes for no reason you know," He laughs and I tell him see you later as he walks into his class and I walk into mine.

When I walk into fourth I wonder if I'm gonna have any classes with the new kid or if he even is all that in a bag of chips, but I forget about him as my teacher lulls me to sleep with his monotone voice.


When lunch is over the halls crawl with teenagers and I hate walking in the crowd so I shift my weight on a nearby column that stands in the cafeteria and scroll through Twitter.

The crowd starts to die down and I push myself off the column and start towards my next class until...

"Excuse me ?"

And I turn around and oh .


Yeah , maybe he is all that in a bag of chips. He might be all that in a family size bag of chips.


A/N :
I really hate when ppl wait like 5 chapters for them two to meet but it's not gonna be a rushed romance at all.

I'm either gonna upload frequent short chapters or long spaced out chapters, I lll switch up to make things spicy lol but

VOTE and comment if you have any questions or any ideas you'd like , I'm very open minded lol

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