Dont mess with harry

487 26 14

Louis can't cry anymore. He just lays in bed and listens to Lottie talk shit about Zayn.

He can't help but wonder if Zayn is with him right now if they are celebrating the fact they got rid of Louis.

They really never broke up. The words never came out his mouth and he hangs onto that and it's pathetic how much he still yearns for Zayn.

"Don't cry anymore. I invited Cathrine over I told her what's up and I know you guys used to be friends."

"I hate her." Louis states bluntly.

"I'll put it this way than...Catherine is your ticket to Harry so I suggest you get ready." Lottie smirks and Louis loves her .


"Hey, I've only got ten minutes. I have to be at work. I've got to be prepared for when the baby comes,"

"Oh my gosh! Congrats!" And Louis rolls his eyes as Lottie starts gushing.

"Tell me about Harry." Louis says cause he really doesn't have time for bullshit he has to mope around some more after this.

"Look, I really like Harry. He's such a sweet kid and I know you don't want to hear this but Zayn is so happy with him and Zayn told me he got Harry to go to school and a good one too and you know he's always wanted to be successful with someone. I think Harry is every thing Zayn wants."

The room is spinning and Louis wants this 'Harry' to disappear. And he wants to cry cause he sounds perfect.

Louis gulps. "Can I see a picture?"

Cathrine smiles sadly at him like she knows Louis is about to be even more upset and pulls up his Instagram....harrystyles

Louis heart twitches cause he has these beautiful green eyes and long brown curly hair he can imagine Zayn tugging and a lanky body .

His eyes widen when he sees a picture at the beach and there's two swallows prominent on his chest in the spot where Zayn had traced just yesterday. And he feels a sharp stab in his heart and bile threatening to rise.

"I'm going to be sick," He groans and rushes into the bathroom.


Louis's phone goes off and he's reminded that he forgot to block Zayn again. Zayn's been leaving him voicemail after voicemail and text after text and he pretends it doesn't effect him, but it does. He's calling and texting more than he was before.

"Why's your face like that? I thought I told you to block him." Lottie sighs.

Louis shrugs and looks at the text.

Zayn👹💩🖕💔: Louis, baby listen it was a mistake and I wasn't thinking and please give me a ring back I'll do anything!!!!!

Zayn👹💩🖕💔: Louieeeeeeeeeeeee

And Louis scowls cause he can see Zayn do the pout and the Louieeeeeeeeeeee with seventeen e's and he doesn't know how he has it in him but he starts to cry.

"I've got to get him, Lot. You can't throw away nine years! In relationships you fuck up and this is just once. I want to marry Zayn and have a beach house and adopt children. I can't," He rants, snot running down his nose and he's so sad he can't move from the bed.

Then there's a doorbell.

"I know it's him," Louis says and springs out of bed toward the door and Lottie can't bare to watch her big brother like this and it's awful but she goes into her room cause nothing can stop Louis and Zayn.

PILLOWTALK (Zarry/Zouis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt