Where Are Ü Now?

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Harry hasn't seen Zayn in a few weeks. He appears and he reappears when he wants to and quite frankly he hates it; cause he wants him to appear now. His thoughts were of him constantly and he wanted to slap him for going away.

"We live in the smallest town ever, we're bound to find him!" Niall huffs. Harry know he's fed up with Zayn but Harry can't help it so neither will he.

"I guess your right," Harry sighs and runs a hand through his bed head.

Niall scrolls through Twitter and Harry decides to make breakfast , he runs down the steps and pulls out ingredients to make an omlet and his phone rings in his pocket. He simply ignores it and keeps cooking.

"Are you done yet? I'm starving," Niall complains.

Harry rolls his eyes and doesn't reply cause there is obviously two omelets on the table. As Harry sits down he checks his phone and almost chokes on a green bell pepper.

@zaynjmalik just commented on your photo "found you🙃"

"Ew you look disgusting," Niall laughs at Harry.

"Zayn lurked to find me on Instagram!" Harry exclaims and Niall's mouth makes an "O".

"Makes sense than I guess,"


Zayn likes how naive and easy Harry is. He loves how Harry brags about him to Niall. He loves how Harry is putty in his hands. And Harry is cute as fuck too? Zayn definitely landed a good one. Zayn hadn't fucked a lot of people since he's gotten here, only one and it was a drunken mistake.

He couldn't do Louis like that. He loves Louis and treasures him and assured Louis that Zayn was only here to do school work.

But Zayn met Harry and was enticed with green eyes since he saw the curly haired boy. He'd always thought there was no one more attractive than Louis but....now he's second guessing.

He's trying to keep the Skype calls as constant and not be so persistent in texting Harry but it's hard.

Harry's started to take up Zayn's lustful thoughts and Zayn wants to ruin this boy so bad.

Zayn gets dressed to leave and Lottie is on him in seconds, "Where are you going out so late?"

See Lottie is a big reason why Zayn is in such a great school. She basically let him live with her on his new scholarship to a university close to where she is and Louis practically begged her . But that only meant that she's a watchdog making sure that Zayn doesn't do anything "bad".

"I left my license at Cathrine's house yesterday and I need to go get it," Zayn says and doesn't wait for a response as he rushes out the door.

He was going to Harry's house, he was going to surprise the younger boy with flowers and maybe dick.

Don't ask Zayn how he found out Harry's address but they've thrown a few kickbacks and Zayn asked around.

And when Harry opens the door to see Zayn his face flushes a bright red when he sees the flowers.

Harry smiles from ear to ear and Zayn knew it was totally worth it.

"You're a completely different type of beautiful you know that?" Zayn smirks and runs his hand from the side of Harry's curve and squeezes his little love handle causing Harry to blush harder and swat Zayn's hand away.

"How'd you find out where I live?" Harry asks, inviting Zayn in and folding his arms together looking around the small townhouse.

"When I want something I'll do anything to get it," Zayn replies seriously and moves closer to Harry. "I had to see you again."

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