Winning back Zayn

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"I cannot believe you're doing this! I'm officially out of this. Don't ask me for help," Lottie rolls her eyes mumbling about how "unbelievable" Louis is while climbing the stairs.

Louis just shakes his head cause she doesn't understand. 

Louis heart stops when his phone rings in his pocket but when he pulls it out he rolls his eyes to see he's worrying for no reason. "Hello," he answers.

"Hey, uhm...your uh, your's fixed,"

Louis ignores the way Liam - the mechanic - stutters and moves to peek out the window remembering his car was gone.

"Thanks, I can pick it up now than?"

"Ughh, yeah, yeah that'd be good."

"Great! Be there in a few."

Louis briefly wonders how desperate this plan he's already harboring might be, but his fingers hover over Zayn's name before he calls, his eyes clenched.

"Louis?" It's more like Louehhh and he'll never get over it. He'll never forget how beautiful his voice is. "I'm glad you called. Look, what I-"

"I need a ride and Lottie's car isn't here, so..."

"Oh," and there's a pause that sounds a bit like shuffling. "I'm on my way babe," and the line is cut.

Louis heart clenches at the familiar name. It's like Zayn is this fictional character.

Louis jumps in the shower and by the time he hears a knock at the front door he's fixing his hair in the cinnamon roll that he knows Zayn likes.

"Cmon princess!" Zayn laughs after ten minutes of waiting and ends up meeting him up the stairs as he kneels beside Louis whom is tying his shoes.

"Don't call me that," Louis slaps his arm. "You call it that."


"No, I just need a ride, thanks by the way. It's the least you could do." Louis says brushing off his denim pants when he stands up and he get a good look at Zayn.

"Your face!" Louis frowns, his face dropping immediately and he almost touches him, but he ends up avoiding Zayn's face like its a flame and ends up letting his hovering hand drop back to his side.

"I got in a fight," Zayn sighs. He looks past Louis cause here comes twenty-one questions.

" don't want to talk about it do you?"

Zayn shakes his head and his eyes searches Louis face.

He watches Louis slightly chapped lips part and his cheeks heat up when he notices Zayn's stare.

"How are things with you and Harry anyway?" He scoffs snapping out of his trance, leading the way to Zayn's car.

"Louis," Zayn sighs, "Aye, don't you dare think you are about to drive my car when you wrecked your own," Zayn laughs.

And it feels easy. They laugh and it's genuine and Louis starts to realize maybe they just needed time to miss each other and loose each other and then they would be better when they got back together.

"Babe?" Zayn asks after watching Louis stare at him for a while.

"Uhh, I'm good. I'll just get in the passengers." After a few minutes of driving Louis decides to play their song and when he does you can see the soft smile and fond roll of Zayn's eyes. Nonetheless he sings along.

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