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"Babe, you look so flustered. Are you alright?"

Zayn as he's been doing for the past week smiles then runs a hand through his hair and finally states that he's 'fine'.

"Just tell me what's on your mind at least?" Zayn can't look at him he feels so guilty keeping such a big secret from him.

"I ...just , go shower and stuff there's someone I want you to meet." Zayn says shakily and Harry gives a toothy smile because he beleive he's about to meet Zayn's mum and maybe that's why he's been acting weird.

He nods and rushes up the stairs.

Zayn sighs, pulling out his phone and hovers his fingers over Louis name.

He answers before the third ring.


"I want to fix this. I've done you both wrong and I want to fix it. When can you get here?"

"Your inviting me to that wankers house?"

"" Zayn lies. "We could go to yours?"

"Yeah okay."

"Please be mature Lou-"

He laughs over the phone and hangs up.

Harry has a warm smile on his face as he knocks on Mrs.Malik's door.

But when the door opens its a boy and when Harry looks at Zayn puzzled his mouth drops.

"Louis Tomlinson..." He slaps a plastic smile on his face. "Hello." He says politely. He grips Zayn's hand next to him and gives him a questioning glance.

"You know me?" Louis questions and turns around to let them inside and Harry rolls his eyes in his choice of pants obviously trying to show off his ass. His eyes are a beautiful blue and his hair is feathery however, and it makes Harry shift in his seat on the couch that Louis gestures too.

Louis glares at Zayn and Harry's intertwined hands.

He hasn't even spared a glance at Zayn yet. He's focused on the hot home-wrecker in front of him.

Zayn watches as they burn holes into the others bodies and feels completely uncomfortable but Harry needs to know. The guilt is eating him and he can't go on like this.

"Baby, I want you to understand something."

Harry and Louis both look at Zayn but Louis realizes he's not talking to him and looks at Harry. Is it possible to hate someone so much?

Harry's face is stricken when he realizes what's going on. "You cheated on me," Harry bellows.

"Harry, listen." Zayn pleads, grabbing at Harry.

"No! I can't." There's tears running down his cheeks but his pride hardly let's them glide down his pale face and Zayn is trying so hard to comfort him.

"Give me the keys." Harry sniffs not even glancing Zayn's way.

"To my car?" Zayn asks.

"Yes you fucker! It's the least your pathetic ass can do."

Zayn grabs his hands and looks him in the eyes, but Harry won't let himself break. Not in front of Louis especially.

"Babe, please. Please. Please hear me out." Zayn grabs him.

"Fuck you!" Harry literally spits in his face and Zayn starts to grow angry.

"Don't ever do that again, fucking cunt." Zayn yells. Than when Harry's eyes flash the same look he gave him when Zayn was beating up the fiery headed kid something in him softens. "Harry, please. Just listen,"

Harry moves out of Zayn's grip. "Fuck your self Zayn, honestly." He lets a tear roll down his cheek as he walks toward the door than suddenly he spins around and watches Louis amused face.

And before Zayn can even try and register why Harry is running Harry's fist connects with Louis jaw and it's all in slow motion when Louis retaliates swiftly and grabs a handful of Harry's hair Zayn grabs Harry's hips and pulls Louis hands.

"Fucking let go you slut!" Harry screams.

"Go to hell!" Louis screams back.

Zayn sighs before pushing Louis back with force and he's off Harry just like that.

Harry looks at Zayn with watery eyes and grabs the car keys from his hands and runs out the house.

Zayn runs out and chases after him.

"I just want you to listen." Zayn pleads.

A crackle of lightning breaks the dead silence and soon it's raining.

The rain pours all over Zayn and Harry shouts for Zayn to move from in front of the car.

"Please, Harry. Please. Hear me out." Zayn pleads and this time hot tears are spilling down his face and the Lightning makes everything more dramatic.

Harry sighs shakily and opens the door for Zayn to climb in the car.

"Are you gonna drive or ?" Zayn asks after the dead silence of Harry not even starting the car.

"Nope, cause after your bullshit excuse I'm leaving you since you wanna cheat you know," Harry sniffs and it's heartbreaking how hard he's trying not to cry.

"Harry, he called and he was drunk and I was worried so I went. Baby, please understand. We've been together since I was fucking eleven! I wanted his friendship. I just. I went and he kept trying and I told him no. I fell asleep at his house and I woke up and he was blowing me. I was sleeping I didn't know. Than I don't know I -"

"You fucked him." Harry cracks.

"Yeah, but can I tell you something?"

Harry shrugs and doesn't look at him.

"I was with him when I met you. I fell in love with you the moment I met you and I wouldn't touch him cause all I thought about was you."

Harry looks at him then.

"Get the fuck out Zayn!" He's balling now. Full on crying. "I wanna go home."

"Harry,I love you,"

Harry scoffs.

"It's true, I love you and I have since high school. It's the reason why I'm fighting for you right now."

Harry turns to look out his window at the rain, watching the rain drops race each other.

"I fucked him. I wasn't in my right mind. If you told me to jump off a fucking cliff with you... I would. I'm dramatically in love with you and I will do absolutely anything for your trust back." Zayn reaches out to touch Harry and Harry brushes him off almost as if on instinct.

"I don't know." Harry sobs. "Get the fuck out Zayn."

Zayn sighs defeated, and decides to leave it for today. He hangs his head and lazily climbs out of the car.

He watches as Harry pulls off and out of the driveway in his car.

"Fuck!" Zayn yells, tugging the tuft of hair at the nape of his neck.

"You're gonna catch a cold." Louis frowns softly from the door. He's nursing a ice packet to his cheek.

"I never want see you again. Fuck you. That was my future!" Zayn sobs.

"We can start over again Zayn! Without him. And I'll change and I'll make you happy again." Louis pleads now walking toward Zayn.

Zayn shakes his head and tugs his arm back when Louis tries to grip him and calls for a taxi to take him to Harry's house to get his belongings.

And he should prepare himself for what's about to come.

Should Zarry get back together ??
Or should Zayn go back to Louis???


PILLOWTALK (Zarry/Zouis)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora