Baby Come Back

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Half way toward Harry's house and he's already tired as fuck only then does he realize how out of shape he is.

"Fuck!" Zayn cries out and than he realizes something.

He's fucking Zayn Malik. He's walking sex on legs. He gets everything he wants.

And he wants a ride right now.

He points his thumb outward and a few cars pass by and than just as he's about to give up a black hummer pulls over.

It's a girl. He sees when he climbs into the car. She's got blonde hair and grey eyes and looks filthy fucking rich. Judging by her car and how it looks inside.

"Hey Zayn! Need a ride?"

"Pardon? I'm sorry. We've met?" Zayn asks.

"I'm Gigi.....I don't think we've formally met. I saw you at a party with Harry once." She provides.

"Ohhhhhhh!" And it all comes back to him in a rush. How she had been all over Harry and he cringed.

"Where ya headed to?" She asks. Her American accent heavy. It's almost sexy.

"Uh Harry's."

She smiles warmly at him. "Gotcha,"

They talk about her and how she came to the UK to go to modeling school. How she's already in high demand.

Zayn's proud of her and finally ends up checking her out. She's got long limbs like a model that's for certain.

"Why would you want to walk all this way in the rain?" She asks randomly.

"I fucked up," Zayn sighs. "He's left with my car and I have to win him back."

She almost swerves the car. "Gay?"

"Sure, why not?" He grins when she gulps.

"But, you're so attractive.."

Zayn almost scoffs. But he's not paying for this ride so.

"Thanks. You are gorgeous." He smirks when she giggles her face burning red.

"Here we are!" She smiles at him and when he clubs out of the car she bites her lip nervously.

"Thank you!" Zayn shouts and he hears her yell wait but Harry's the only thing on his mind right now.

So it goes like this Zayn's been banging on the door for thirty minutes now. Niall's tried to fight him three times. And his belongings are all on the curb...soaked.

"Fuck, Harry!"

He then rolls his eyes at his stupidity and reaches for the key hidden inside the plant.

When he opens the door the house is quiet.

He knocks on Harry's door and "Go away Niall,"

It breaks Zayn's heart.

He thinks about the best way to go about this. So he doesn't disturb Niall and cause more drama.

He grabs a credit card and slides the door open.

When Harry turns around with bloodshot eyes he groans.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" Harry's voice is hoarse.

"You don't have to talk but listen?"

"You don't even deserve that," He scoffs. "But I do wanna know why now. Because as far as I'm concerned we were perfect."

Zayn reaches for Harry and Harry doesn't stop him this time. He's stiff in his arms.

"I fell in love with you. I met you and you turned my world around. I started talking to Louis less and thinking about you more. I realized I never loved him. We were together since I was eleven. It was a friendship with benefits type thing if anything. I didn't love him. I love you. You made me realize,"

Harry softens a bit and sniffs.

"Than why cheat?" He's stiff again.

"It was a terrible mistake. I wanted to keep my friendship with Louis and I told him so, but he kept trying. I told him to stop multiple times and I didn't condone it. Than, he woke me up-"

"Yeah, I know he rest."

"What you didn't know though, is I almost hit him when I was sober enough to process what happened. I couldn't think for days. I know you deserve better at this point. But I'm going to fight for you, Styles. I love you with my every breath."

Harry looks at him then. And he looks so confused and hurt and unsure.

"I'm sorry, baby." Zayn holds Harry's face.

Zayn seats Harry on the bed and gets down on one knee.

Harry immediately stands up but Zayn forcibly seats him back down.

"Harry, I love you. And I will not stop fighting for you until you're mine again. I want to marry you."

Harry cries infront of Zayn than and shakes his head.

Zayn physically wilts. "No?"

Harry shakes his head, his lips tucked in his mouth.

Zayn sits up straighter. "Yes?"

Harry shakes his head again.

"Can't just say that. Not after what you did. I need time." Harry sobs.

Zayn nods and he's a bit embarrassed right now so he'll try again tomorrow. He looks for his car keys and heads outside.

He looks at his ruined clothes and belongings. Groaning he hauls it into the trunk and soon his phones ringing.

"Hello," He speaks without checking ID.

"Where are you gonna stay tonight?" It's Harry.

"Harry, I'm glad you called. Catherine's."

"Well alright," Harry mutters, his voice is edgy.

"I'm never going back to Louis ever again." Zayn provides. He knows that's what Harry wants to hear.

Harry breathes heavily before ending the call.

Zayn sits in the front seat of his car and cries as he pulls onto open road, it's hard to see through the tears.

Should Harry forgive Zayn??
What do you think?

PILLOWTALK (Zarry/Zouis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt