Seeing the Pleasure

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"Excuse me?" I turn around and look at him and you can totally tell that he's the new kid. He's like a fresh bloomed flower the first caveman saw and freaked out because it was so pretty. What even is he?

He starts to walk away, I mean I'd be creeped out to, I just looked at him and looked straight at the wall across from us.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come off rude," I lightly press my hand on his shoulder so he can turn around.

"It's alright, you must have to hurry to class. I'll find someone else to help me." He says politely and you can totally tell he's not from around here , his accent is so heavy.

I nod at him and start toward my next class cause by now I probably will be late.

"Hey! Hey, boy with the curly hair!" He's shouting as I'm leaving the cafeteria.

I give him a shy dimple, "My name is Harry,"

He smiles and wow, can he even get more hot ?

I'd want to find out but I honestly don't wanna push the soon to be most- popular- kid in school away , it could kill my reputation if people find me out.

"It seems I have no clue where I'm going and everyone else is looking at me weird. Do you mind?" He looks up at me and I think it's puppy dog eyes or something but I want to fuck him.

"Uhh, yeah sure. Alright so," I take his schedule from his hands and start walking with him next to me and he's close. I'd think he's sniffing me, "You're in B28, I'm literally across the hall. I'll take you there,"

He tells me about how he's from Bradford which is a whole different part of England, it doesn't explain why his accent is so strong I can barely hear him though.

"And also-" I stop walking and he stops talking.

"Wait for me after class there," I point to a trophy case, and you can tell me 'and also' what" I chuckle.

"Alright," he smiles and just as I step in the class the bell rings, don't ask how we were able to meet in a ten minute block.

"My name is Zayn," is the first thing he says as he sees me walking toward him.

"I know," I laugh and he looks puzzled.

"I mean you're the new kid, and every girl is talking about how hot you are," I shrug and we start walking and when he doesn't reply to me I look at him and his eyes look weird. There's like a mischievous look in his eye and I watch as his face breaks into a smirk.

"Do you think I'm hot?" He says it so sly and I think my eyes are about to roll off my head and than my head roll off my shoulders.

I just stare at him as we walk toward my locker.

So that's why he came up to me? He just wanted to hit on me? But that's crazy, gay is the most rare thing in my high school. I know there is two or three but no one has come out yet.

"Harry!" Zayn tugs my arm, and there is a pole in my face.

"Sorry, I,"

"Nothing to apologize for," he laughs, " You're the one who almost broke your nose."


"He asked if I thought he was hot! He might be gay forreal! Niall, what could I do without you?"

Niall kinda sighs, "Just don't get your hopes up lad, I'm sure he's nice, but it's a little too perfect. The hot, new guy swoops you up and y'all live happily ever after and what not. Just make sure you don't give him anything without commitment."

"We just met today," I fire back," but I know,"

It does sound kinda weird, but than come to think of it, I haven't had a real relationship my whole life. I like boys and boys don't like boys around here.

I wish life would let me experience this.


"There's a party tonight, come with me? I don't know anyone and I was invited,"

"I can't, I work on Friday's." I bite back and I know I'm being rude but no matter how hot he is , he keeps asking me to go places with him and I've come to the conclusion this is a set up. He wants to out and embarrass me, someone's probably paying him. I mean he came on way too strong for it to be Forreal like shouldn't he be a little nervous?

"What the bloody hell has been wrong with you this week? I thought you were cool." He scrunches his eyebrows and walks past me and that's the last time I talked to him until the summer.

PILLOWTALK (Zarry/Zouis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt