Green eyed distraction

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"Hey baby, I've missed you so much! Have you been too busy with school?" Louis' chirpy voice rings over the phone.

Zayn sweats a little, "Yeah, uhm, I've decided upon the AP classes and you know the amount of homework is bananas," Zayn lies smoothly.

Louis sighs, "Babe, I told you about overworking yourself my love, is there any way to change it?"

"What the fuck Louis, I can handle myself. Don't ever feel like I need you to worry about me," Zayn shouts through the phone, his anger punching his cool right in the face.

Louis squeaks at the sound of angry Zayn and in broken sighs replies, "Have you been taking your bipolar meds?"

"Don't need 'em, love you," and Zayn hangs up and descends down the stairs where Lottie is eating and scrolling through her phone on top the counter.

When she sees Zayn she rushes in front of the front door, Zayn watches as her breast move up and down as she runs.

"You've been going out all week, I won't allow you a free room and to be cheating on my brother you know? Tell me what's going on," Lottie locks her big, blue eyes on Zayn and he isn't the tiniest bit phased.

"I'm going for a smoke," He lies, "Don't tell Louis, I'm just so stressed with the AP courses and not seeing him physically and such, I need this Lott," He forces his eyes to get watery and she looks up at him and sighs standing back from the door.

"I understand," She gives him a sympathetic smile, and maybe he should feel a little bad but he really couldn't care less.

All he cared about  was his green eyed distraction.


Zayn watches as Harry starts to fidget with the silicon bracelet on his wrist, his hand in his lap.

Zayn drove over to see Harry -of course- and him and Harry are laying on the couch eating wings and fries, cuddling and watching a movie.

"What's wrong babe?" Zayn asks, he watches as Harry's cheeks peek crimson at the name and he loves this so much.

"It's nothing," Harry bites his lip and looks up at Zayn, "I'm gonna miss you is all,"

Zayn is going back to town to go visit Louis and his family for a break they had coming up for UNI.

Zayn can't believe he met Harry in high school and they still manage to live near each other as Zayn goes to UNI.

Zayns dreamt of that.

"I'll miss you too baby," Zayn nudges his chin into Harry's cheek and it's the perfect time for a first kiss he decides.

Harry looks up at him and Zayn flickers his eyes between Harry's lips and eyes and waits for Harry's eyes to give the okay signal.

He lurches forward and connects their lips while reaching down to grope Harry's bum.

Harry giggles into the kiss and Zayn finds it odd. Was Zayn a bad kisser?

Zayn gropes him more aggressively and pulls Harry ontop of him, so that Harry is straddling him and Harry knows this isn't a game but Harry's eyes are wild and all Zayn can read is more.

Harry's dick is hard and he wants nothing more than for experienced Zayn to show him something.

Harry wants more tongue and more of Zayn's mouth and he's heaving into the kiss his breath is ragged when he pulls away and Zayn groans in frustration.

"There's no way we're doing anything more than kissing, but," Zayn pulls Harry in by his hair softly, but he knows Harry likes it rough so Harry's practically under his control at the moment, "I want to fuck you so bad, I want to be your first everything, baby," Harry moans at the words his eyes big and his train of thought lost.

"I need something," Is all he can say.

Zayn licks his lips and kisses the corner of Harry's mouth.

"Next time? It doesn't feel right to do more when he have just had our first kiss," Zayn doesn't know why he's saying that cause he just wants to fuck Harry anyway.

But Zayn doesn't just want to be a prick he wants Harry to remember him and remanence about him.

Harry smiles at how sweet the gesture is and nods, "Zayn?"

Zayn looks at him and moves Harry back into their cuddling position, "hmm?"

"I want you to be my first everything too," Harry says sheepishly.

Zayn smiles and cards his fingers through Harry's locks.

Zayn ends up spending the night and wakes up before anyone else in the house and kisses Harry's forehead before rushing home to grab his bookbag as class started in fifteen, when he gets there he runs to his room and heads straight for his bookbag as he's going to be late for class.

"Where were you last night?" A chirpy voice says from Zayn's bed and Zayn screams. I mean, Zayn screams like a little girl.

"Louis..? Well, you nearly frightened the life out me you git, I have to get to class. we'll talk later."

"Later?" Louis says and there's something different about him.

He removes the covers from over himself, exposing a white laced langerai  and Zayn's dick throbs in his pants.

"Maybe I can miss one class," Zayn gulps.

Zayn is aching for Louis to turn around so he can see his ass.

"Oh no, school first!" Louis teases, "I'll be here when you get back,"

Zayn shakes his head and stalks closer toward Louis flipping over the little lad to expose the tan meat outlined by the white.

"Oh my god," Zayn groans, groping it.

Louis flips himself around and smiles innocently like a mischievous child.

"I'll be waiting," Louis smirks and Zayn shakes his head and climbs onto the bed with Louis.

And when Zayn fucks Louis it's hard and rough and, "You've never made love to me like that before," Louis says and he's looking at Zayn all accusingly.

You can't blame Zayn really, he's planned on about seventeen thousand ways how he wants to fuck Harry and how he'll be so rough but gentle and Harry will never forget him.

Louis doesn't like rough at all, maybe once a month but otherwise it's slow and romantic but Zayn couldn't help but fuck him like how he would Harry.

Zayn's phone beeps from his pocket and he knows it's Harry telling him to pay attention in class cause he knows of Zayn's short attention span.

Louis raises and eyebrow and Zayn saunters over to the ground and picks up his pants and reads

Styles: Pay attention! Don't be didn't come all this way for nothing smartie pants :) <3

Zayn hides his smile before deleting the text and laying down next to Harr-Louis...

What has his life become ?

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