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"No Zayn, It's final. I've already made the arrangements."

"Louis, you're being completely irrational!" Zayn yells. His face is burning and he's so close to wanting to slap Louis.

"Why aren't you happy? You should be ecstatic I'm moving over there! You'll get see me everyday." Zayn can hear Louis pouting through the phone.

"Do you still love me?" Louis asks breaking Zayn out of his thoughts. "Cause I mean, I'll do anything to make us work. We've been together for such a long time and I don't even-"

"I do love you." Zayn says cutting Louis off. His heart twists at the sliver of guilt that passes through him.

"I'm going to be outside Lottie's house in about fifteen minutes." Louis says over the phone and Zayn sighs and hangs up, immediately going to the bathroom to take his bipolar meds.

'Okay Zayn you already told him you were moving out but you need to leave like in a week max'

Zayn starts looking for flats he can afford but there are absolutely none that are in his college budget.

"Fuck!" He lets out a frustrated groan and decides he'll get a roommate.

Minutes later he hears knocking and Lottie squealing and shouting "Oh, I missed you Louis!"

Zayn deletes his thread with Harry and deletes snapchat before he double checks everything so it's Harry free and saunters down the stairs.

Louis stares at Zayn and bites his lip when he sees that Zayn's smile doesn't reach his eyes.

Zayn wraps his arms around Louis, "I've missed you." Zayn says softly.

Lottie than excuses herself to go food shopping and they don't even pay attention to her.

Louis steps towards him and wraps his hands around Zayn's neck and kisses him so roughly. He wants Zayn to experience this pleasurable pain. He wants Zayn to know he's hurting as he bites his lips. He wants Zayn to remember and he just wants his Zayn to come back.

Zayn pulls away and starts pulling off Louis clothes and biting his skin and traces an empty space on Louis chest with his mouth and Louis is too turned on to be confused.

But Zayn doesn't realize when he's mouthing the swallows he can see through Harry's shirts on Louis and when he's realizing what he's done he slowly stops and the guilt eats at him.

"Zayn, what's going on?" Louis asks. He's not even surprised Zayn stopped.

"I-I can't," He picks up his shirt off the floor and climbs into his room and tries to work on his essay for UNI at his little desk.

His heart clenches when he hears broken sobs and slamming doors.

Then he hears someone coming up the steps and he's scared Louis is going to kill him but it's worse...Lottie is standing there, her hands fisted at her sides and her face burning red and Zayn immodestly stands up.

"What did you do to my brother!" She yells and starts throwing punches -which actually hurt- "Get out! Get out!"

Zayn doesn't have to be told twice and Lottie watches him pack his things into a duffle bag and he'll just get his other stuff later cause this is too much.

He grabs his laptop bag and when he looks back toward the door Louis is there to now and his eyes are bloodshot red and all the sudden Zayn is angry and drops his bags.

"You're so weak Louis," He starts.

"I'll call the cops if you-" Lottie starts.

Louis just looks at her with pleading eyes cause he's finally getting the truth.

"You're so weak, you're crying cause I don't want to fuck you? You're pathetic! You have no future either! I'm going to be a CEO and you're going to be working under the people that work for me. Harry's twice the man you think you are."

In every cheating case there's a slip up and here it is.

This is going to change everything and Zayn must notice cause his whole demeanor changes. His face falls and he's not angry anymore.

"Harry..." Louis says and he tastes it on his tongue and etches into his brain and hates him.

And he's so upset and he's back to crying actually full-blown cursing Harry and Zayn and he can't even talk right when Zayn realizes what he's done.

"Louis, I'm - Louis I - Louis -" He doesn't know what to say and when he reaches for Louis, Lottie stands in the way and he pushes her out the room and locks it.

"I can't believe this! Oh my god! 9 years for what?" Louis yells and he can't even breathe.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Zayn holds him and Louis can't even fight back cause Zayn's right Louis is weak. He's so weak he still feels so safe in Zayn's arms and he wants Zayn to hold him tighter and tell him Harry is a random name he made up to make him mad.

But he has to see him. He has to see the guy that keeps Zayn from calling him and makes Zayn smile at the air and makes Louis unfuckable.

And they just sit in that position after Lottie stops banging on the door and they rock back and forth on Zayn's carpet and Zayn never cries but he does then cause everything is about to change.

"I'm so sorry Louis," Zayn speaks up.

Louis turns to look at that devil behind the angelic face and grimaces cause it's not fair. They were each other's lifeline and he was with Zayn when he was pudgy and awkward to when he was all eyelashes and cheekbones. when people started assuming they were gay he even dated Cathrine for a little and Louis couldn't take it. So Zayn made up that he realized he was gay after her so that Louis could feel better.

"Why?" Is all Louis can say.

Zayn's lips tremble and he shuts his eyes.

"Why did you do this to me Zayn?"

"I can't loose you Louis, you've always been there. I can't."

Louis heart slams in his rib cage.

"I asked you , I asked you why you cheated on me."

Zayn starts picking at the carpet cause he can't lie. He absolutely fucked up this time. Things can't ever go back now.

"I don't-" He breathes in and out and he knows he has to say it to bring this all the end. "I don't love you anymore."

And there it is. The spark that started world war three.


AU/ Poor Louis :(

Will he fight for Zayn or move on ..???????

I mean you can't just throw away 9 years OMGGGG



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