Fuck Harry Styles

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"You guys aren't even dating! You have no commitment to him!" Niall yells as if the louder his voice is the more Harry will realize it.

"We are too!" Harry frowns, "We just haven't had a title yet."

"All I'm saying is you have no reason to be upset he's not calling, I told you not to get attached. I also said, they don't want put me in AP classes for no reason."

Harry sighs and pouts the way into his room until he decides to get a good movie and sweets as a distraction.

"You want anything from the store?" Harry yells up the stairs and it's a kind gesture, which he's hoping Niall will say no but....

"Yeah, Oreo's! Thanks Harry!"

Harry rolls his eyes and hears the strumming of a guitar as he locks the front door.

When he arrives at the store he ignores the creatures with vaginas (joke! lol) that stare at him for too long and hard and grabs everything he needs and than looks at an iTunes gift card that makes him think of Zayn's music.

He smiles at the promise of a song with a beautiful boy with green eyes and unseen brown curls with obscene pink lips and soft butterscotch skin.

He blushes when he remembers Zayn describing him like that, like Zayn had thought about Harry's face all day.

"Sir!" The cashier smiles, waving a hand in Harry's direction.

"Sorry," Harry blushes, opening his arms to drop everything on the belt and waits to pay.

"How was your day?" The old man asks and they start little conversation until Harry's phone rings and it's Zayn. Harry pretends that his heart doesn't skip a beat.

"Hey love, I can't tell you how sorry I am that I haven't called! Apparently Safaa was upset that I didn't bring her a present and threw my phone at the wall, therefore the screen blacked out. I miss you,"

Harry smiles feeling like a bulldozer has been lifted off his shoulders and opens the car door dropping his groceries in the back.

"I missed you too Zayn, feisty is she?" Harry laughs, turning on his engine.

"Ye-" Zayn starts than is abruptly cut off.

"Zayn?" Harry frowns.

"Where  are you? And don't lie I just heard your engine. It's nearly bloody ten," Zayn snaps through the phone and Harry swallows as he's driving down the dark road, realizing it is a bit dark.

"I went to go get sweets from the store, I'm about to watch a movie at the house with Niall," Harry says pulling into the driveway.

Zayn sighs than pauses for a minute, " I'm sorry for being suffocating. I don't want to drive you away,"

Harry shakes his head fiercely even if Zayn can't see him. "I don't think you are annoying or suffocating or anything like that,"

"That's good, cause quite frankly I'm not trying to loose this one." And Harry's heart slams in his chest.


Zayn isn't in love with Harry but Harry sure does have this talent for keeping Zayn up at night, clouding his every thought of white teeth and dimples.

"Babe, are you okay?" Louis asks climbing onto the bed with Zayn who is trying to pay attention to a book for lit class. Zayn knows that Louis knows it irritates the fuck out of him if he's reading and someone interrupts him, but Zayn really can't be mean to Louis.

"I'm absolutely fine, why?"

"I mean... You haven't flipped the page for at least fifteen minutes," He says looking genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine love, just an intolerable amount of shit going on a UNI, yeah? Just stressed," Zayn says and it's not a lie or anything, he's got work to do even on his break.

"Away with that for a bit then!" Louis cheers. Obviously feeling like he hasn't gotten much attention from Zayn.

Zayn groans cause school and his growing desperation for Harry.

He misses him and it's odd because it's just suppose to be a simple fuck, bug Harry is just different all around. I mean who's obsessed with bananas and has unreal long curly hair and wears fedoras? Harry Styles and that's it. Maybe Billy Ray Cyrus minus the banana bit.

"See there's a smile!" Louis beams and it's adorable.

Zayn feels awful, realizing that he was indeed smiling because of Harry and not his lovely boyfriend.

Louis is the best and has always been there for Zayn but he's too deep like, neck deep obsessed with Harry.

He shouldn't have started messing around with him he knows but he was mesmerized by green eyes and a lanky figure since he had seen him in high school.

He couldn't ignore it.

"Zayn, what the bloody hell is wrong?! Are you quite finished with lying to me now?" Louis exclaims feeling ignored, his face is burning red. Zayn has been too distracted since he's been here and it's so unfair.

"I miss you! I haven't seen you on months and you can barely pay attention to me," Louis says, his voice is cracking and he's close to tears.

Than as Zayn is about to comfort him and tell him he's sorry Louis looks past him at the wall in a quick motion.

"You met someone else," he accuses and now he is crying. Tears rolling down his face.

Zayn is fast to retaliate, "No! Louis? I couldn't,"

But he could.

"Is it a girl? A petite girl with a petite body and breast and blonde hair?" Louis asks, no more tears but rage.

"No girl," Zayn says almost laughing cause lol he's gay. "Ask Lottie! I tell her when I'm going out and why and I've only spent the night over Catharine's once."

Louis looks unsure and Zayn's gonna cry if Louis doesn't accept his apology.

"Louis, I'm helplessly in love with you! I've loved you since I was fucking twelve and I haven't stopped." Zayn tries looking at Louis with pleading eyes. "Look, I'll pay attention to my baby boy the rest of the night,"

Louis smiles a bit then, "okay,"

And now it's all fuck Harry Styles, I can't risk loosing this.

Zayn is found pretty good at ignoring Harry's texts and not thinking too much about him until...

Styles: apparently we can all be little Malik's!😂🤓 I got into CCU!!!!🎈😋

You: You calling me a nerd? And I'm really proud of you!! When do you begin your semester

Styles: be proud Zayn it's a good look on you & this fall

And Zayn's heart bursts because Zayn did that. Zayn showed Harry how important school is and having a future. He couldn't be more proud so his heart bursts.


"It's your last day here," Louis sighs sadly and Zayn feels that dreadful feeling with him.

"I'm going to miss you," Zayn's says pecking Louis' lips softly.

Louis just nods, but Zayn knows Louis will miss him he's just that upset he can't talk.

"Well let's make it worth it yeah?" And Louis is smiling.

So they bake cookies and Zayn feels so safe and at home and Louis is smiling at him that smile where his eyes disappear and he's a beautiful crinkled piece of art.

PILLOWTALK (Zarry/Zouis)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon