17. The Heir of Nelthon

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Merlin watched as Robert went to get the rest of the Camelotian's with growing trepidation. In a few minutes, everyone will know who he is. Merlin took a deep breath to strengthen his resolve. He can't look weak in front of everyone. He has to look strong. Look like the prince he is. Though, Merlin is sure that Christian can see right through the façade. If he could, he didn't say anything, which Merlin is grateful for. They walked to the meeting room, Merlin slightly behind everyone, before he slipped into his chambers to change into his royal attire. Something he hasn't worn to far too long. When he got changed, he opened a box and took out his silver and blue crown. Merlin used his magic to adjust it and put it on his head. Then he picked up his sword and placed it in his belt, around his waist. He stood in front of his mirror and he was no longer looking at Merlin, Arthur's manservant. Looking back at him was, Prince Merlin Ambrosius, Heir to the Throne of Nelthon.


When they reached the meeting room, no one except Christian noticed Merlin slip away, the door opened and they saw that Leon, Elyan, Percival and Gwen were already there, along with the rest of the Nelthon Knights. When they entered, they looked up questioningly. Arthur sat next to his betrothed and the rest of the knights took a seat. It was only then, that they noticed Merlin's absence. "Where's Merlin?"

Christian, whom was stood at the head of the table, looked at Arthur. "He'll be here shortly." Christian said. Arthur was a bit annoyed, but didn't show it in front of the Nelthon Prince and Knights. "Sir Robert, can you go get Daine, to get my brother?"

"Yes, My Lord." Robert bowed and left through the door.

Gwen, Leon, Percival and Elyan looked at Christian in confusion. "My brother thinks it's time for you to meet him." Gwen's eyes widened slightly before she had a small smile on her face. Looks like Merlin's finally decided to tell them. Arthur looked at her questioningly, but Gwen just smiled at him. Elyan, Leon and Percival nodded. Then the door opened and a servant's head popped in.

"He's ready."


A knock sounded on Merlin's door, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Enter." Merlin said, turning to the door. Daine entered the room and when he saw Merlin, bowed.

"My Lord. They sent me for you." Daine said, still bowing.

"Daine, what did I say about titles and formalities?" Merlin asked, sternly.

Daine straightened. "Sorry, my prince. I wanted to call you by the title you deserve."

"Daine, I'm just like everyone else." Merlin said, voice soft.

"No, my prince. No one is more worthy of this title than you." Before Merlin can protest, that Arthur is more worthy of the title than he is, Daine interrupted him. "Sir Robert has sent me to collect you, sire."

Merlin sighed. No going back now. "Alright. I'm coming." Merlin said and left the room with his former servant.

As soon as he left his chambers, everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed to him. Merlin bowed his head back with a smile. Everyone straightened and began whispering excitedly about their Prince's return. Merlin walked, with Daine, to Sir Robert whom was still bowed. He straightened when Merlin approached.

"Welcome back, my prince." Sir Robert said.

Merlin smiled and they walked to the meeting room. Merlin began to grow nervous. His heart rate picked up and his breath became slightly laboured. When they were outside the meeting room, Daine looked at Merlin once, whom he nodded once, then opened the door. "He's ready."

"Send him in." Christian's voice said, coming from within the room.

"You ready, sire?" Robert asked him quietly.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Merlin replied, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He could do this. He has to. Merlin stood taller, finally looking like the prince he is. Robert entered the room with one final nod to Merlin.

"May I present, his Royal Highness, Prince Merlin Ambrosius, Heir to the Throne of Nelthon." Sir Robert said as Merlin walked into the room.


A/N: Sorry the chapter's short.

I hope you like it anyway.

Again, sorry about any mistakes.

By the way, I've changed chapter 16. So for this to make sense, you might want to reread that chapter. 😀


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