3. Conversations

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After training, Merlin went back to the guest chambers with his knights. They laughed about the fun times they had in Nelthon and laughing at what the look on everyone's faces would be like if Merlin did train with them. It would be entertaining and funny. It would certainly damage Arthur's ego, that's for sure.

"Merlin." Arthur called from behind him.

"Speaking the of egotistical prat." Merlin murmured to his knights who were struggling to contain their laughter. "Yes sire?" He asked Arthur with an all-too-innocent grin on his face.

"You can take the rest of the day off. I won't need you until tomorrow. Bright and early tomorrow morning, Merlin. Don't forget." Arthur said to the stunned warlock prince.

"Thank you my lord. You are most generous." Merlin said with a graceful bow, which Arthur's eyes widened at. Merlin straightened up, biting his lip. Oops. "I won't forget Arthur. I promise."

Arthur walked off, trying to fathom out how Merlin is one minute a complete clumsy fool and the next, being completely graceful and, dare he say it, wise.

Merlin went into Gaius's chambers that evening with a smile on his face. Gaius saw this and asked, "I take it you spent the afternoon with your knights then?" Gaius couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his lips. Merlin's smile widened into a grin.

"Yeah, we have just been talking about what everyone's reaction would be like if I trained with Arthur and knights and I beat them all. It would certainly damage Arthur's ego, I know that much." Merlin said, laughing. Gaius laughed as well. It would be funny to see Arthur beaten in a sparing match against Merlin of all people.

"It would be funny. You are an excellent swordsman Merlin." Merlin blushed slightly. "You are, and don't deny it. I've seen you train. You are even better than Arthur. The best sword fighter in the five kingdoms, your mother said." Gaius commented.

Merlin shook his head, disagreeing. "I maybe better than Arthur, but there's someone out there who's better, more experienced and more agile than me." Merlin said. He hates thinking he's the best at something.

"You really need to learn how to take compliments, sire." Gaius said. Merlin looked at Gaius, his eyebrows raised.

"Gaius, please don't use my title. You know it annoys me." Merlin said.

"I know." Gaius said. He handed Merlin a ham sandwich. "Here. You deserve it." Merlin was about to protest, when Gaius cut him off. "I don't want to hear it Merlin. You do deserve it." Merlin took the sandwich .

"Thank you, Gaius." Merlin said to his mentor who just smiled. "I'm quite tired. I haven't slept properly in a few days, as you well know, and I would like to have some rest. It's been a long day." Merlin said, standing up, once he'd finished his sandwich.

"Good night Merlin." Gaius patted him on the shoulder before Merlin went into his room. Merlin undressed and got into bed. He fell into a fitful sleep...


Merlin was fighting again Gelmand's knight's. He killed three, with a throw of a couple of  knives, whilst fighting off seven with his sword. They were all dead in minutes, but more kept coming. He was fighting through his uncles knights, with one goal: To find Gelmand and take back Nelthon. Arthur, his brother and the knights of the round table were beside him, fighting as well. He was in his old armour, and a silver and gold helmet.

He fought through more knights, and when Merlin used his infamous move, the knights that were about to strike Christian, were dead. Christian was about to say his gratitude when, a sword pierced his side whilst he was distracted. He let out a howl of pain and Merlin yelled, "CHRISTIAN!" Christian clutched his side, as blood soaked through his armour...

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