5. Revelation

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Later that night, everyone dispersed to their bed rolls whilst Gwaine kept watch. Merlin made sure no one was around before he took the healing ring Gaius gave him, and slipped it onto his finger. It glowed slightly, then dimmed. Merlin lay on his bed roll and fell into another restless sleep...


Gelmand was strutting through Nelthon with a smirk on his face. Nine years since he betrayed the royal family. Nine years since he stole the kingdom from his brother, Balinor, and his sons, Merlin and Christian. Sir Kellion, his most loyal adviser, came up to him regarding news of his dear brother and nephews. "Sire," He bowed respectfully. "We found out that two years prior, Balinor was killed by Cenred's men." Gelmand's smirk widened.

"Excellent. What of my nephews?"

"We do not know as of yet. Prince Merlin is nowhere to be found. No one has seen him, or his mother, since nine years ago. As for Prince Christian, he is alive. We know not of his whereabouts." Kellion reported.

"Alright. What of Merlin?"

"Merlin is said to be hiding out somewhere, we know not of his whereabouts either."

"I see. Christian always was a strong fighter. Always was. He won't stay in hiding for long." Gelmand said. "He's too much like his father. both of them are. As we know nothing of Merlin's whereabouts, my guess is that Prince Merlin didn't escape. Or their mother. But if he did, well, i don't want to think about it. Merlin is powerful. He is the only one who can defeat me. But he is untrained. He will not last five minutes against me." Gelmand laughed again cruelly.

"Indeed sire." Kellion said agreeing with what Gelmand said, albeit reluctantly.

"And once Merlin and Christian are dead, the kingdom will be mine forever." Gelmand was in hysterical laughter. Kellion cringed at the sound and hoped against hope that Merlin is alive and safe. That he became the Emrys of prophecy. "And once Christian and Merlin are dead, I will kill all of those who appose against me and all of their little friends."

*End of dream/vision*

Merlin's eyes snapped open. He was drenched in cold sweat. The ring didn't work. He was breathing quite heavily and internally cringed at the hysterical laughter his uncle made. It was still dark and judging from the moon's position, it was just past midnight. He saw Gwaine still on watch. Gwaine looked Merlin's way when he approached. "Gwaine, I'll take over. Go get some sleep." Merlin whispered softly so not to wake the others. Gwaine yawned and nodded.

"Okay Merlin. Don't forget to wake Leon next in about two hours." Gwaine yawned as he went to his bed roll.

"Of course Gwaine." Merlin said even though he had no intention of doing so. As soon as Gwaine's head hit the makeshift bed, he was out like a light. Merlin sat by the tree thinking about Gelmand's words. He is not the young, naïve boy he once was. He is Emrys of prophecy. He is the greatest warlock of all time. And it angers Merlin beyond reason that the traitor would think he's still the weak and vulnerable boy he once was. Merlin will show him just how weak he really is. Merlin vows he is going to show his dear uncle, just who he has messed with.


Merlin didn't wake up Leon and ended up staying awake the whole night. When everyone woke up, it was first light. When Gwaine saw Merlin still on watch, he was shocked. Merlin busied himself with breakfast. "Did Merlin wake you up last night?" Gwaine asked Leon in an undertone.

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