7. Prince Christian

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They had ridden for three more days and were close to the hideout. Merlin kept thinking that this journey was going strangely smooth. They hadn't run into any bandits like every other time. Or ran into any of uncle's men. Or even his brother's for that matter. It was unnerving to say the least. Merlin used his magic to scan the area for any signs of bandits, his brother's men or his uncle's, but found nothing. He was certain, that there should have been a patrol of some kind, after all, they were in Nelthon's borders. Surely, his uncle isn't that stupid. Christian could be trying to keep a low profile but, there should be a patrol of some sort, surely. But Merlin wouldn't put it past Gelmand. After all, he did mess with Emrys. And no one messes with Emrys and gets away with it. "Ellis." Merlin hissed quietly. Ellis turned and hung back so he could talk to his prince.

"Yes, sire?" He whispered. Merlin ground his teeth together at the title, but didn't comment.

"Shouldn't there be patrols out or something?" Merlin questioned quietly. Then Ellis' eyes went wide. Then Merlin saw it. A patrol. But they weren't bearing the crest of Gelmand. They were bearing the crest of Ambrosius. Christian's patrol. Then they all came out of the treeline and pointed their swords towards Merlin and the others.

"State your name and business here," A man, the leader, said to Arthur.

"I am Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot and I am here to help gain back your kingdom from your prince's uncle." Arthur said to him. Then Merlin had a good look at the leader. He was tall and had quite a lot of muscle. He looked about mid-thirties and had a scar across his cheek. He had hazel eyes and brunette hair. Merlin's eyes widened in recognition. It was Sir Robert, his father's head knight.

"He speaks the truth." James spoke up. "He is here to help." Robert turned to James, and then sheathed his sword.

"Very well." Robert said. "I will escort you to the hide out, my lord." Robert bowed in respect. Merlin gave a small smile. Robert was an excellent knight. He's almost as good as Merlin himself. After all, Robert did train him. Then his eyes widened realisation. Robert would know who he is. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Robert, head knight to the royal family of Ambrosius." Robert was always proud to serve Merlin's family, and Robert was extremely loyal.

"These are my knights, Gwaine, Lancelot, Elyan, Percival, Leon and Mordred."Arthur said introducing them all. "This is my betrothed, Guinevere, and my servant, Mer-"

"Shall we get going Robert?" Ellis asked in order for Merlin not to be recognised and outed as the lost prince before Merlin's ready. Robert nodded, and, along with some other knights, began to escort them to Christian's hideout.

It took half day to reach it and Merlin began to recognise the place. It was near the dragon caves that Christian and Merlin went as children. Merlin closed his eyes and sensed the magic that surrounds the place with a small smile on his face. He could feel the presence of the dragons also. His smile widened as he sensed his dragon's, Anithisan's, presence. She was alive.

"What are you smiling about?" Arthur asked. Merlin jumped and opened his eyes to stare into those of the King of Camelot's.

"Hmm? Oh, Nothing." Merlin lied. Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Sure it is." Arthur says sarcastically. "You just happen to be smiling with your eyes closed for no reason whatsoever."

"Shut up Arthur." Merlin said, shooting the king a mock glare. "I was just admiring the scenery and listening to the... Birds." Merlin mentally kicked himself. Listening to the birds? He could have come up with a better excuse.

"Whatever you say Merlin." Arthur said disbelieving. Merlin tensed up and prayed that Robert didn't hear Arthur. It appears Robert didn't. He was too busy conversed in conversation with another of Christian's knights to notice. Merlin relaxed a little. "Anyway, when we get to the hideout, I need my armour polished, my chain mail cleaned, my sword sharpened and the horses need to be fed."

"Prat." Merlin said. He could do three of those things with magic. The latter, he could do while the armour, the chain mail and the sword are being done. It was one of these times that Merlin wanted to reveal himself as the lost prince, but as that cannot be done, he would just have to stick with using magic.

"You can't address me like that Merlin." Arthur stated mockingly. He took another glance at Robert before answering.

"Sorry. Royal prat then." Arthur rolled his eyes.

"You better show respect to Prince Christian, Merlin. It would reflect badly on Camelot otherwise." Merlin had to stifle a laugh.

"Don't worry my lord. I'll treat Prince Christian with respect." Merlin said, emphasising the word 'prince'. Of chorse, Arthur doesn't notice. Oblivious clotpole.

"Yeah, you better otherwise, when we get back to Camelot, you'll be going in the stocks." Arthur said. Merlin pulled a face. The stocks at Nelthon were seldom used. But when they were, it was always funny to watch the towns people enjoy themselves by throwing rotten fruit at the people in there. It was mainly people who had upset the nobles, or the royal family, or they were thieving which was extremely rare as Balinor had the taxes low enough so that no one would starve or find the need to steal. There were hardly any executions. Only if someone uses magic for ill intentions like to harm or kill others. Whenever there were any, Merlin avoided them like a plague. He loathes executions even if he knows that they should take place for the safety of the kingdom. It was difficult in Camelot to avoid them, what with Uther executing sorcerers left, right and centre. Even innocents. The thought made Merlin's blood boil.

"Right. Of course." Merlin said absent-mindedly. He wasn't paying attention to Arthur anymore. The mountains came into view and Merlin smiled again and the sight. It had been nine years since he was last here. Merlin never realised how much he missed it.

"I will go inform his highness, Prince Christian of your arrival." Robert stated. He bowed to Arthur, and  vanished as he walked through an invisible, magical screen. Merlin thought it was a clever piece of magic. Arthur, Leon and Elyan tensed when he saw Robert disappear. Merlin rolled his eyes.

"W-where did he go?" Arthur asked stuttering at the beginning to show his obvious discomfort at the way Robert vanished.

"He's gone into the hideout. Prince Christian cloaked it when we first came here so that no one can see it when they come past." Ellis answered. "Do not worry my lord, it's perfectly safe." Arthur nodded mutely, not answering. Merlin knew of Arthur's discomfort and bowed his head in shame. It was his fault that Arthur's father's dead, after all.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Robert returned with someone a year younger than Merlin. He had dark brown hair, pale,-yet slightly tanned-skin, green eyes, was slightly muscular, lean and was shorter than Merlin by a few inches. He had had sharp cheekbones that are akin to Merlin's, and had a blue and green sword in his sheath. Merlin recognised him immediately.

"I am Prince Christian, second prince of Nelthon." Christian introduced bowing to Arthur respectfully. "Follow me of you will." And everyone followed Merlin's younger brother inside.

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