11. Confrontations

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The next morning, Merlin awakes sweating and breathing heavy. Another vision. This one was of Gelmand executing a couple of knights who stood up against him, some of Merlin's father's best knights, by means of fire. Merlin reluctantly got out of his soft, four poster bed, and got dressed in his servant attire. He would wear his royal attire, but he can't because of Arthur. He waited a minute before leaving his chambers. It's still early so only the servants are up and about.

Merlin was about to go to go see his dragon, when he was stopped. "You can't go up there, boy." Merlin knew that voice. Sir Robert. Merlin smiled despite himself. "That area is forbidden." Merlin turned to face him. Something, akin to recognition flashed in Robert's eyes.

"Oh, my mistake. I just wanted to see my dragon, Anithisan." Merlin said, shrugging. "Oh, well."

"Anithisan, belongs to Prince Mer-" Robert cut off, and stared at Merlin in disbelief. Merlin merely raised an eyebrow. "P-Prince Merlin?" Robert stuttered in disbelief. Merlin regarded him in amusement. He had never seen Robert stutter before. It was quite amusing.

"Sir Robert." Merlin said, formally, quite unlike the way Merlin usually greets his knights. But Robert is-was-his father's best knight, and Merlin had always treated him with respect. Robert was his father's best friend and was exceptionally proud to serve the royal family of Ambrosius. He trained with Balinor when his father was, but a prince. The best knight (not including Merlin) in Nelthon. "It is I."

"Prince Merlin." Robert said, clearly happy and bowed low to him. Merlin checked to see if any of the Camelotian''s were awake yet. They weren't. Merlin knew better than to reprimand Sir Robert. Robert would insist on using formalities. "You have returned." Robert had a joyous smile on his stern features. It looked quite disconcerting for Robert was never known for smiling. Especially with the scar he now had. Merlin, himself had scars, but they were all hidden.

"Indeed, I have." Merlin said, his smiling fading. "I have some news. My father, he-" Merlin cut himself off, as his voice cracked slightly. "He is... Dead." Robert's expression changed to remorseful and full of grief. "I'm sorry. I know he was your friend."

"There is nothing to apologise for." Robert said, gazing at the secret prince sadly. "He was a dear friend and a good king."

"He was." After a minute, Merlin remembered something important. "I came here with King Arthur, his betrothed and his knights. Neither of them-excluding Sir Gwaine and Sir Lancelot-know I am a prince. Let alone, a warlock. I would appreciate it immensely if you don't mention my true heritage to them."

"Of course, sire. I will not mention it. However," Robert gazed at his prince sternly. "They will find out eventually."

Merlin bowed his head. "I know. Just not yet."

"I understand, Prince Merlin." Robert said. "I will see you later, my lord." Robert bowed one more, before heading to the right-handed stairs for some early morning training. Merlin went up the stairs and entered in a vast opening. The dragons were asleep when he entered. Anithisan, awoke as soon as she sensed Prince Merlin's presence.

"Merlin." She said, bowing low to him. Merlin smiled at her. "You look troubled."

Merlin bit his lip. "I'm fine." Merlin lied. Anithisan glared at him.

"You are not fine, Prince Merlin." She said hotly, using Merlin's title.

Merlin bowed his head in submission. It was pointless to lie to a dragon. "Alright, I'm not. I..." Merlin cleared his throat. "I'm having, nightmares. Visions. And I haven't had a proper night's sleep in days." Merlin admitted.

Anithisan gazed at him for a moment, before she spoke. "You're becoming a seer."

Merlin flinched. The fact of him being seer, scared him. "That's... That's what Gaius, thinks, yes." Merlin said.

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