13. Meetings and visions

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Christian nodded his head in acknowledgement and gestured for Kellion and the others to follow him. Merlin was filled with anticipation wanting to know, what news Kellion has on his uncle. They went into a small chamber with a table and everyone--excluding Merlin--took a seat. Merlin stood at the back of the room, like a respectful servant should, making sure to keep Kellion from seeing him. "What is it that you wish to discuss, Kellion?" Christian asked. Merlin could tell that he, too, is just as anxious as he was.

Kellion took a deep breath. "Gelmand, has executed some of your father's best knights." Merlin, of course, knew this as he saw it last night in a vision. Christian looked shocked and livid as did James, Ellis and Lewis. Christian caught Merlin's eye and saw that Merlin wasn't very surprised and planned to question Merlin about that later. "And he is set on vengeance for you and your brother, Prince M-"

"Yes, we thought that." Christian interrupted, before Kellion can reveal Merlin's identity, but shot said prince a pointed look.

"Yes, and he is scouring the entire Kingdom, looking for you, even the outer regions. He will not stop until you both are found and executed. Especially, your brother." Kellion said. "But don't worry. He doesn't know, as of yet."

"Why is Gelmand, after the Christian's brother?" Arthur asked.

"Because he is the only one who can defeat Gelmand, sire." Kellion said. "It is mandatory that we find him before Gelmand does. My lord, do you have any clues as to where your brother, might be dwelling?" Kellion turned to Christian. Merlin subtly slipped back into the shadows, to not be noticed.

Christian looked at Merlin, before answering Kellion. "He is here." He saidm slowly. Kellion's eyes lit up.

"He's here? Well, where is he? He should be here, listening to this, it is important. But thank the gods that you have found Prince M-"

"Yes he is here, but he is in his chambers, resting." Christian lied, glancing at Merlin in his peripheral vision.

"I see." Kellion said, buying the lie, as with everyone else, although Gwaine and Lancelot looked at Merlin in corner of the eyes. "I best be getting back to the citadel before Gelmand notices my departure. My lord." Kellion said standing up and bowing to Christian. "Sire." He bowed to Arthur, before leaving the meeting chambers.

Arthur turned to Christian. "Why is your brother the only one who can defeat Gelmand?"

Christian sighed. "Because he is the only one powerful enough to."

Arthur was still confused. "What do you by 'the only one powerful enough'? You have magic, surely you can defeat him."

Christian shook his head. "No, I cannot. Although, it is true that I have magic, but my brother, is more powerful than I."

"Well, what is his name?" Arthur asked.

Christian panicked not knowing what to say, until Merlin's voice echoed in his mind. 'Emrys. Tell them my name is Emrys.'

"Emrys." Christian said. "My brother's name is Emrys." Percival paled and gasped, whilst Mordred's eyes widened in recognition and shock, before he turned his gaze to Merlin. Merlin mentally cursed himself. Of course, Mordred will recognise the name, he practically calls Merlin that every time they use telepathy. But why does Percival recognise the name?

"E-Emrys?" Percival stuttered in awe. "As in, The Emrys?"

"Yes. Why?" Christian asked, cautiously, eyeing the knight warily.

"Wait, who's Emrys?" Arthur asked, confused.

"Emrys, is the most powerful warlock ever to walk the earth, destined to protect the Once and Future King and bring magic back to the land. I didn't realise he was also a prince." Percival said, in awe. "But I suppose, him being magic and was born in a Kingdom that allows magic, makes sense."

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