21. Preparation

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A/N: Hello lovely people.

I know it's been ages since I've updated. I keep meaning to update but I keep forgetting. I know, I know. It's no excuse.

I apologise for any mistakes in advance.

So without further ado, here's the new chapter!



Realisation dawned on Arthur's face. "It was you. You were that old man that killed my father!" Rage became apparent in blue eyes.

"I tried everything to heal your father, everything! But Morgana and Agravaine got there first! They put an amulet around your father's neck that reversed my healing spell. You have to believe me, Arthur! Please!" Merlin was desperate. "You can even ask Gaius! He'll show you the amulet. I promise you, I never meant to kill your father."

Arthur sat pensively for a long moment. Merlin began to grow nervous.

Finally, Arthur spoke.

"I believe you."

Merlin realised a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Arthur believes him. Merlin could scarcely believe it.

"I don't forgive you - no - I can't forgive you. Not yet... But I believe you." Merlin nodded his head. It was more than he was expecting. "Give me a few days to wrap my head out this."

"Anything!" Merlin said. "I'll do anything, Arthur. If you want me to leave you alone, then I will." It will be hard, yes, but if Arthur needs space, then that's what Merlin will give him.

Arthur stood up, nodded his head once, then left the room, door closing quietly, leaving Merlin sitting alone on the bed.

Five minutes after Arthur left, Merlin broke down in heartwrenching sobs.


The next few days were busy with preparation to gain back the castle. Arthur avoided Merlin except for when he absolutely had to, Merlin was hurt but he understood. Merlin spent a lot of time with Anithisan, talking to her about all he's done for Camelot and the amount of guilty weighing him down. Anithisan always did know how to calm him down. If he wasn't with the dragons, then he was training with his brother. Merlin was basically doing everything within his power to keep himself busy, only resting when he needs to. Now that Merlin doesn't need to hide anymore, Merlin took control of most of the meetings that's taken place, finally acting like the Prince he really is. His people accepted him with open arms. Elyan and Leon were uncomfortable around him for a while, but once they saw he was still the same Merlin they always knew, soon warmed up to him, too. It was only Arthur that was giving him the cold shoulder.

Merlin and Mordred had a very long talk about Morgana and Merlin confessed the prophecy that Kilgharrah had spoken of, about how Morgana and Mordred were to join forces to become the ultimate evil. Mordred was beyond shocked as he realised that that was why Merlin was so cold towards him for a while, before firmly promising that that will never happen. Mordred had taken a blood oath to never join Morgana and to cause no harm to Arthur to anyone else. Merlin had smiled and then, finally, relaxed around him. Merlin had then taken Mordred under his wing and helped the young druid to better control his magic. Mordred now looks up to Merlin as a mentor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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