9. Suspicions

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Gwen backtracked in her and Arthur's temporary chambers in shock. Merlin's the lost prince? She could not believe her ears. She was too caught up in her thoughts, to notice Arthur looking at her from where he was sitting on the royal blue and silver four-poster bed. Her room, was connected next to Arthur's, through the door by the wardrobe. "Guinevere? Are you alright?" Gwen jumped at Arthur's voice. She turned around to face her betrothed. Gwen nodded. She was contemplating whether she should tell Arthur or not, but when she remembered Merlin's conversation with Gwaine, Lancelot, Christian and a servant-Daine was it?-she decided against it. It wasn't her secret to tell, after all.

But she was definitely going to confront Merlin later on.


Merlin and Christian were sparring each other. Their swords clashed and gold, blue and silver sparks appeared every time they did. Christian went to strike his arm, which proved to be a big mistake. Merlin blocked which resulted in Christian loosing his sword which flew in the air and Merlin caught it. Merlin pointed his sword to his brothers chest. "Do you yield?"

"I yield." Christian said. They had been sparring each other for only for a minute before, Merlin beat him. Merlin handed Christian's sword back to him. Christian had a similar sword to Merlin, but the hilt was royal blue with a silver blade laced with royal blue instead of gold. His sword, too, was forged in the dragon's breath. Christian sheathed his sword. "You've gotten better Merlin." He commented with a smile.

"As have you." Merlin said back, also grinning.

"True." The princes chuckled. "Still the best swordsman in the five kingdoms then, Merlin?"

Merlin shrugged. "There's always someone out there who's better than me."

"Nonsense." Gwaine interjected. The brothers looked at him in slight surprise. "I've been to loads of different places all over Albion and I have never seen anyone as good with a sword than you, Merlin."

Merlin blushed. "Nor have I." Lancelot said, agreeing with Gwaine. "You fight better than Arthur himself." Merlin and Gwaine gave mischievous grins.

"I cannot wait until he finds out you are a prince, Merlin. It would be hilarious to see the princess's face when you beat him." Gwaine said, grinning. Lancelot's lip twitched. Christian looked confused.

"Arthur thinks Merlin is terrible with a sword." Lancelot elaborated. Christian then grinned.

"Now that, I have to see."


Merlin went into his chambers when they were finished with training. His chambers looked the same as they always did, but they were dusty. Really dusty. Merlin's eyes flashed gold, and all of the dust disappeared. Merlin smiled to himself. He went over to his old wardrobe. "Ic þe Tòsprìngè." His eyes flashed gold again and the wardrobe opened. It had his old royal attire in them. Merlin lay on his bed and thought about everything that had transpired.


Arthur went out of his chambers to find his manservant. Where is that useless idiot? He saw Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot laughing with Prince Christian. He walked over to them.

"... So funny when M-" Whatever Gwaine was going to say, he cut himself off when he saw Arthur, which made him suspicious. Gwaine's grin didn't waver, however. In fact, it got wider as did Lancelot's and Christian's. Their eyes had mischievous glints in them, and Arthur did not like it one bit. He narrowed his eyes at his knights. "Princess. How are you on this fine day?" There was laughter in his voice. Nope, not liking this at all.

"Fine." He dragged the word out. He was looking between the two of his knights with heavy suspicion and dread. He noticed Christian struggling to hold in his laughter. He looked familiar, but Arthur can't quite put his finger on it. Why does he look familiar? He's never met the prince of Nelthon. Second prince, he reminds himself. Speaking of which, where is his older brother? He turned to Christian. "I can't help but notice that I haven't seen your brother yet. Is he here?" The mischievous glint, vanished the young prince's eyes, to be replaced with panic. Arthur couldn't fathom why.

"Uh, yeah, yeah he is. He's uh... In his chambers." Christian said. "Why-why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering when I can meet him." Arthur stated. It didn't escape his notice the way Lancelot and Gwaine looked at each other, in his peripheral vision. Odd.

"Uh.., My brother is tired after a long journey and is resting." Christian said.

"Fair enough." Arthur said. Then he remembered that he was looking for his idiotic manservant. He addressed his knights. "Gwaine, Lancelot have you seen Merlin anywhere?"

"He's doing his chores, sire." Lancelot said, smoothly. "Just like you told him to."

"I find that hard to believe." Arthur muttered. "Well-"

"You were looking for me, Arthur?" Merlin asked, from behind him. Arthur definitely did not jump.

"There you are, idiot. Have you done your chores?" Arthur asked. If he was looking at Christian, he would have noticed the way Christian's jaw clench at Arthur's words.

Merlin simply rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, your royal pratness, it is done." Christian snorted from behind Arthur. Merlin handed Arthur his armour and sword. Arthur took them from him.

"Is there anywhere we can train?" Arthur asked Christian.

"Up the stairs on the right hand side. Do not go up the left." Christian warned. Arthur was curious as to why they can't go up the stairs on the left, but kept his curiosity to himself. Arthur nodded.

"Alright. Thank you Prince Christian." Arthur said.

"Just, Christian will be fine." Christian said.

"Christian then. I will go tell my knights." And Arthur went to tell Sirs Leon, Elyan, Percival and Mordred, where they can train.

The Lost PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora