18. Reveal

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"May I present, his Royal Highness, Prince Merlin Ambrosius, Heir to the Throne of Nelthon." Sir Robert said as Merlin walked into the room.

Merlin entered the room to see the shocked faces of Sirs Percival, Leon, Elyan and Arthur. Gwen and Lancelot smiled at him proudly, Gwaine looked about ready to laugh at the gobsmacked expression on Arthur's face and Merlin's knights bowed to him. Christian smiled at him.

'Welcome back, brother.' Christian's voice echoed in his mind. Merlin nodded to him with a small smile.

"Merlin?" Arthur exclaimed, loudly. "You can't seriously be telling me that... Merlin, is the lost prince?" Everyone stared at Arthur, the Nelthon Knights in annoyance. "I mean, he's... Merlin. He can't be the lost prince. He's an idiot. A clumsy idiot. And a fool and..."

With each word spoken, Merlin's knights grew angry. Merlin stood there silently, not even reacting to Arthur's words. Sir Ellis unsheathed his sword, cutting Arthur off. "You dare insult our prince? You dare insult the heir to the Nelthon Throne?" Ellis growled. "You are the fool Arthur Pendragon if you that-"

"Sir Ellis." Merlin said, quietly, cutting off Ellis's tirade. Although his voice was quiet, it was filled with the authority only those of royal blood could muster. Ellis immediately stopped talking and looked at his prince. Everyone was looking at Merlin now. "Sheath your sword."

Ellis sheathed his sword, with a bow of his head. "Forgive me, my prince. I meant no offence towards you."

It was silent in the room, until Gwaine burst out laughing. Everyone looked at him. Merlin raised an eyebrow, a look that can match Gaius. "I'm sorry, but Arthur's face..." Gwaine laughs. "Is hysterical. Just you wait, princess. Just you wait..." Gwaine was laughing so hard tears were rolling down his face. When Lancelot, Christian and Merlin caught on to what he meant, they too had to struggle to not laugh. Oh, Merlin couldn't wait until Arthur challenges him.

Arthur looked at Merlin, with a look of betrayal. Merlin flinched. This, is what he was trying to avoid. "You lied to me."

Gwaine's laughter, stopped. Merlin took a deep breath. "I didn't have a choice."

"Didn't have a choice?!" Arthur exclaimed, voice gradually getting louder with anger. " You always have a choice, Merlin! And you chose to lie. For five years. You lied to all of us, to me!"


"You must think me an idiot!" Arthur laughed, but there was no mirth. Instead it was angry and bitter. "How couldn't I see this?!"

"Arthur, let me explain." Merlin pleaded. "I..."

Realisation dawned on Arthur's face and his eyes filled with fear. "You have magic." He whispered.

"I..." Merlin drew himself to full height and stared right into Arthur's eyes. "Yes. Yes I do."

"You betrayed me."

"No. I never betrayed you. I was born with it. I didn't choose it. Same as neither of us chose to be born princes. And magic isn't outlawed in Nelthon. I wasn't breaking any laws. I didn't betray you, Arthur. I just didn't tell you the whole truth. There's a difference." Merlin said. "I never meant to hurt you, Arthur."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I couldn't risk Gelmand finding me. He would have brought a war to Camelot. He would have killed everyone we care about. And besides, would you have believed me?" Arthur opened his mouth to retort, but found he couldn't, so he closed it again, reluctantly. Merlin smiled, sadly. "You thought of me as a fool, a servant. If I told you I was anything but, you would have had my head for impersonating royalty." Merlin sighed. "It's not that I didn't trust you, Arthur. I do. It's just that... I couldn't."

"Emrys." Percival whispered, in awe looking at Merlin, with reverence in his voice. "You're Emrys."

Merlin nodded. "I am."

"He is. He is Emrys." Mordred said, proudly.

"How do you know?" Arthur asked, accusingly.

"I'm a druid." Mordred said, starting at Arthur straight in the eyes, who's face morphed into shock.

"Anyone else got anything to tell me?" Arthur asked, aggravated that someone else was keeping secrets from him.

"I do." Gwaine declared.

"Oh and what might that be? You have magic too?" Arthur asked, sarcastically.

"No. I'm actually a noble." And Gwaine burst out laughing at Arthur's bewildered expression.


A/N: Here it is. The chapter you've all been waiting for. Sorry it's short, but trust me, there's a reason for it. Next chapter will longer. I've now finished Sixth Form and I have two unconditional offers for university so now I don't worry and I have time to update. I'm sorry that I took so long to update. I've been very busy with school and stuff and I had my final performance last Friday (thank God it's over) so now that that is finished, I can focus more on writing.

Hopefully the next chapter won't take so long.

Hope you liked the chapter.


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