20. The Truth

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Exactly half an hour later, there was knock on Merlin's chamber door. Merlin took a deep breath, before he went to open it. Stood out were all of the Camelotians. None of Merlin's knights nor his brother were there, all respecting the privacy that Merlin needs for this conversation, for this has nothing to do with them. This is between Merlin and his friends. Arthur stood there, arms folded in front of his chest. Defensive.

"Come in." Merlin said, softly. He was no longer wearing his crown. It was on his bed. His sword, though, was at his side as it always is, but no longer cloaked.

The Camelotians filed in, Gwen smiling reassuringly and Gwaine winked at him causing Merlin to roll his eyes. Once everyone was in the room, Merlin closed the door gently, before turning to face them all.

Merlin took in all of their expressions. Elyan looked uncomfortable, Leon's face was impassive, Percival looked like he was in slight awe and Arthur had his jaw clenched. Gwen, Gwaine and Lancelot were looking at him encouragingly, though Lancelot was regarding Arthur, wearily, knowing how much Arthur means to Merlin and if he doesn't take it well, it will break Merlin apart.

"Um..." Merlin began, eloquently, not knowing what to say.

"So... You're the lost Prince." Arthur said, face impassive.

"I am." Merlin said, showing none of the nervousness he was feeling inside.

"And you have magic." Arthur stated, in the same tone.

"I do, sire." Merlin said, uncertain where the conversation was going. "I do have magic."

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

Suddenly Merlin realised exactly what was going on. Arthur wasn't angry about the magic (much) or him being a prince. It was the fact that Merlin didn't tell him! Merlin sighed, deeply, shoulders sagging with the weight that has been placed there so many years ago.

"I wanted to." Arthur scoffed. "I did. I wanted to tell you. I just didn't want to risk anyone finding out! I couldn't risk anyone finding out. If word got out, then my uncle would stop at nothing to destroy me by killing everyone I care about! I couldn't risk it, Arthur. I care about all of you too much, to risk harm coming to you!" Merlin spoke with urgency, willing Arthur to understand, willing him to see how dangerous Merlin's uncle was. He would raise Camelot to the ground if he ever found out that Merlin was there.

"Do you not trust me? After all we've been through? You didn't trust me to keep it a secret?" Arthur's voice was becoming steadily louder. The knights and Gwen got the feeling they were intruding on a private moment between the two royals.

"I trusted you with my life!" Merlin insisted, desperate.

"Obviously you didn't!" Arthur snapped. "Everyone else knew before I did! You told them, but not me!"

"I didn't tell them! They all worked it out! James accidently called me by my title making Gwaine and Lancelot find out, Gwen overheard a conversation and Mordred worked it out as soon as Christian said my name is Emrys. I never told them, Arthur. If I had my way, neither of them would have found out at all!" Merlin shouted, before realising he went too far and lowered his voice. "I didn't want you to hate me, or treat me differently because of who I am. I didn't want things to change. You're my best friend, Arthur and I couldn't risk losing that. I'm sorry."

"Everyone leave." Arthur commanded to the knights and Guinevere.

"As it here one second, princess-"

"Now, Gwaine!" Both Merlin and Arthur spoke. Gwaine shut up immediately and everyone left the room, leaving Merlin and Arthur alone.

When the door shut behind them, Arthur let his façade drop, showing the hurt he felt on his face. Merlin felt a pang in his chest.

"You still could have told me." Arthur said, defeated, sitting on Merlin's bed.

Merlin sat next to him. "I know." Merlin sighed. "I just... I was scared. I didn't know how you would react. What with your father being king and all..."

"My father is dead, Merlin! Has been for a while and I think I'm capable of making my own decisions!" Arthur said, anger rising again.

"You are! You're the best King, Camelot has ever known! You're a much better king than your father. But, Arthur, you told me you hated magic. You told me that magic is evil. What was I supposed to do? I was terrified of what would happen if you ever found out the truth about me! I was going to tell you about my magic when you became King, after you stepped out of your father's shadow, when it happened. And I am so, so sorry!"

Realisation dawned on Arthur's face. "It was you. You were that old man that killed my father!" Rage became apparent in blue eyes.

"I tried everything to heal your father, everything! But Morgana and Agravaine got there first! They put an amulet around your father's neck that reversed my healing spell. You have to believe me, Arthur! Please!" Merlin was desperate. "You can even ask Gaius! He'll show you the amulet. I promise you, I never meant to kill your father."

Arthur sat pensively for a long moment. Merlin began to grow nervous.

Finally, Arthur spoke.

"I believe you."

Merlin realised a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Arthur believes him. Merlin could scarcely believe it.

"I don't forgive you - no - I can't forgive you. Not yet... But I believe you." Merlin nodded his head. It was more than he was expecting. "Give me a few days to wrap my head out this."

"Anything!" Merlin said. "I'll do anything, Arthur. If you want me to leave you alone, then I will." It will be hard, yes, but if Arthur needs space, then that's what Merlin will give him.

Arthur stood up, nodded his head once, then left the room, door closing quietly, leaving Merlin sitting alone on the bed.

Five minutes after Arthur left, Merlin broke down in heartwrenching sobs.


A/N: Wow, that was more angsty than I was expecting.

Sorry for the long wait, guys. I've been swamped with work and I just haven't had time to write anything for a while. I hope you like the new chapter.

Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did.

To all my SPN readers, I've now met the boys and it was amazing! The season 13 finale was incredible. Can't wait for season 14 in October!

See you next time :)


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