15. Into the Castle

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Merlin was awoken a few hours later by a knock on his door. "Sire." It was Daine. Merlin groaned, exhausted from his sleep as it was the best sleep he's had since he gained The Sight. And Merlin was not happy to be awoken from it. He rolled over so he was lying on his back.

"Enter." Merlin yawned. Daine opened the door and entered the room, closing the door behind him. Merlin raised his sleepy eyes to his servant and Daine smiled.

"Sleep well, my lord?" Merlin nodded, fully intending to go back to sleep, but Daine wouldn't allow it. "I'm sorry sire, but your brother asked me to wake you and ask you to go to the meeting chambers to discuss tonight's outing to the citadel."

Merlin sighed. "Alright I'll be out in a minute." Merlin said, voice thick with fatigue. Daine bowed, and exited the chambers. Merlin got out of bed, and got changed into something more suitable. He was half tempted to get dressed in his royal attire, but then remembered that Arthur, Elyan, Percival and Leon don't know his true identity. Mordred now knows, it's obvious as Mordred was the one who told him his true name in the first place. Merlin went to his wardrobe and got out a royal blue neckerchief with the Nelthon Royal Crest on it, which Merlin cloaked using magic, so only Merlin and Christian can see it. Merlin left his chambers. When he was outside, Merlin saw it was mid-afternoon. He had slept the entire morning. Merlin yawned again, and headed towards the meeting chambers. When he opened the door, he saw that Arthur, Christian, Gwaine, Lancelot, Ellis, Mordred, James and Robert were in there. Strange. He thought only Arthur, him, Lancelot, Mordred, Ellis and James were sneaking into the castle. Why were the others here?

Everyone looked at him when he entered. Merlin gave a sheepish smile. "Nice of you to join us, Merlin." Arthur said. Merlin rolled his eyes and took the empty seat.

"Now we are all here," Christian began. "We can plan for tonight's outing." Christian spoke.

"I thought it was just me, Arthur, Mordred, Lancelot, Gwaine, Ellis and James going." Merlin said confused. Everyone turned to look at him.

"It is, but Sir Robert is helping you plan for tonight." Christian explained. Merlin nodded in understanding.

"Wait, you're not coming." Arthur spoke.

Merlin snapped his head over to Arthur. "Yes I am." Merlin said defiantly.

"No, you aren't. It's too dangerous."

"Since when has that stopped me before?" Merlin said crossing his arms and raising a perfect imitation of Gaius's eyebrow. Arthur couldn't think of an answer to that. The idiot followed him anywhere.

"It hasn't but seriously Merlin, we're going into an unknown Kingdom with an unknown king who has allied themselves with Morgana. No Merlin, you're not going."

"Oh, yes I am."

"Merlin. You are not going and that's final." Arthur said, in his best 'I'm the King and you better do I as I say' voice. Merlin was not fazed.

"I am going, and you can't stop me."

" Merlin..."

"Just let him go princess." Gwaine said, annoyed. "Even if you don't, he's just going to follow anyway."

Arthur growled at the smug grin on Merlin's face. "Right, now that everything is sorted, we better get to planning. You will be leaving in several hours." Christian spoke and Merlin instantly went serious. "There is a secret passageway that leads in and out of the citadel in the east wall which leads to a hallway not far from the throne room. Sir Kellion will meet you outside the secret passageway. The item is in the vaults which is likely to be heavily guarded. You need to get a blue jewel. It's not very big, but it is extremely powerful so pick it up and carry it in this." Christian handed Arthur a blue bag to put the jewel in. "Try not to touch it. The only person who can wield it, is my brother, Emrys."

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