2. Training

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"I cannot believe that you're a servant sire. To the King of Camelot no less." Ellis said as Merlin was showing his knights around after giving Arthur his food.

"Trust me, I could barely believe it myself at the time." Merlin admitted. "He's a good king. It's his destiny to be the greatest king Albion has ever known. And it's my destiny to make sure he gets there. You have no idea how many times I've saved the clotpole's life."

"With your magic sire, I wouldn't be surprised." Lewis said. Merlin was about to scold them about the titles, when Gwaine, Lancelot and Mordred came up to them.

"Hey, Merlin." Gwaine said as they approached.

"Gwaine, Lancelot, Mordred." He nodded to them in turn. "These are my... Uh, the knights of Nelthon. Sir Ellis," He gestured to the blonde knight, "Sir Lewis," He gestured to the brown haired knight, "and Sir James." He gestured to the red haired knight. "And these are my friends, Sir Gwaine, Sir Lancelot and Sir Mordred." The six knights shook hands.

"What a pleasure to meet you." Gwaine said to them.

"Likewise." Ellis said.

"Merlin, the princess wants to train and he sent us to get you." Gwaine said and the five other knights chuckled at the favoured nickname Gwaine has so 'graciously' given to Arthur. Merlin groaned. He loathed training with Arthur because he has to pretend to useless.

"Why are you groaning, you're a fantas-" James cut himself off by a death glare from their prince. If looks could kill, he'd drop dead at any moment. "You know what? Never mind."

Gwaine, Mordred and Lancelot eyed the pair suspiciously. When they didn't elaborate, they left it but still looked at them with suspicion. "Right. Anyway, Arthur said he is more than welcome for you to join us for training if you'd like." Lancelot said to Merlin's knights.

"We would love to." Lewis said. And they all headed to the training field. Gwaine was talking about some tavern story that has no significance whatsoever so Merlin tuned him out. He thought about the reason why they are here. He wondered how his brother, Christian, was leading the rebellion. And if he should tell Arthur the truth. Perhaps not yet. He broke out of his musings by Mordred's voice in his mind.

'Are you okay, Emrys? You seem a bit... Out of sorts today.'

'Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking.' Was his reply.

'Alright. If you're sure.' Mordred said uncertainly and then Mordred's presence within his mind was gone.

Merlin went to thinking how he was going to get his kingdom back from his uncle, Gelmand. His fists clenched to suppress his anger. He will pay big time for taking away his life from him. He was a traitor to him and to Nelthon. Not to mention he wants him dead. And that, makes Merlin fill with rarely felt malice. He had never felt so much hatred in his life. And that was aimed at his own blood.

Lancelot, Gwaine, Mordred, Ellis, Lewis and James looked at Merlin and  could practically see the anger radiating off of him. Ellis, Lewis and James looked at each other. They knew exactly why the prince is acting like this. He had been betrayed by his own blood and that is unforgettable. Mordred, Gwaine and Lancelot however, were completely stunned at Merlin's reaction at why Merlin, the fun-loving, cheerful, kind-hearted manservant, react like that. They have never seen Merlin this angry before and hope never to do so again because it scared them. Especially Mordred as he knows of Merlin's power and is eternally grateful that he is not Merlin's enemy.

When they reached the training field, Arthur came over them. "So you are going to train with us?" He asked Merlin's knights who nodded. "Good. I was meaning to ask you, if you want we could help you find your prince."

They looked at Merlin with corner of their eyes and Merlin shook his head curtly in warning not to say anything about him. "Uh, that's okay sire. We found him last week in Essetir." Lewis lied.

"Okay. So where is he? I don't think he came with you."

"No he didn't sire. He went to the hideout when we saw him last. He's probably there by now." Lewis paused for a minute. "Um, sire there's something you must know."

"Well, I'm willing to hear it."

"After we tell you, and you don't want to help us we completely understand and we would be our way." James said and Arthur gestured for him to continue. "Our princes, have magic sire." Arthur tensed but said nothing allowing him to continue. "We know how you feel about magic sire so we would understand if you don't wish to help. We have few sorcerers on our side helping us and an ally in the court."

Arthur thought for a moment, then said, "Well, I promised I would help you and I don't plan on breaking it. But you're right I don't trust magic. I've lost both of my parents to magic so I am distrustful of it." Arthur's words stabbed Merlin like a knife to the heart. "However, I will be willing to pledge my allegiance to it, if it helps to gain back your kingdom."

"Thank you sire." Said Lewis gratefully.

After a few moments Elyan came up to them. "Sire, aren't we going to train?"

"Oh, yes. Yes of course." Arthur said and they went over to the other knights to begin training, Merlin's knights, Lancelot, Gwaine and Mordred following.

Arthur split them into pairs and Merlin found it highly amusing to see Percival, Gwaine and Lancelot struggling to beat Merlin's knights. He did train them after all. Merlin laughed as Gwaine was beaten by Ellis who the youngest out of the knights. "If you think it's so funny Merlin, perhaps you could face him." Gwaine said getting off the ground, irritated at being beaten.

"I'm good thank you very much." Merlin retorted smiling. It would be highly amusing to see their faces if a 'bumbling fool' beat Sir Ellis. But that would mean suspicion.

Lancelot was fighting against Lewis and they are both sparing each other until Lewis used his infamous move that Merlin taught him. Lancelot's sword flew behind him and landed in the dirt. Percival was fighting James and James used his speed and agility to knock Percival flat on his back. It was a funny sight. The knights of Camelot watched the knights of Nelthon with awe and bewilderment. Arthur was shocked to say the least.

"Who taught you to fight?" He asked in awe at their fighting skills.

"Our Prince, the heir to the throne of Nelthon." James said happily who caught Merlin's eye and Merlin laughed again. He taught his knights well.

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