19. The Reveal Aftermath

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Merlin was pacing around in his chambers, waiting for Arthur and the knights to appear. After  Merlin revealed himself, they discussed the plan on what they're going to do to take back the kingdom. Throughout the entire meeting, Arthur, Leon, Percival and Elyan kept shooting him glances which Merlin has been ignoring for the past hour. After the meeting, though, Merlin told Arthur and the others to meet him in his chambers in an hour to talk. They all agreed.

That was half an hour ago.

And Merlin was getting anxious.

He's anxious because he has no idea what to say to any of them. It doesn't matter for Gwen, Gwaine, Lancelot and Mordred for they already knew, but the others? Elyan, Leon, Percival... Arthur? Merlin has no idea how they will react. He's lied to them, to Arthur, for nearly 5 years now. There's no way they'll forgive him, Prince or not. Not to mention the fact he has, no is, Magic... Probably won't help one bit.

Merlin ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

Merlin placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, longing to go out and train with his knights, but this is important. Merlin couldn't delay it anymore.

He has to tell them everything.


Arthur paced in his chambers, angry beyond the belief, still reeling from what has been revealed not half an hour earlier. Merlin is a Prince. And he has Magic. And his betrothed knew. And not to mention that Gwaine is a Nobleman but that's not important right now.

Betrayal ran through his veins like wild fire. He has magic and he's a Prince. How could Merlin not tell him? He lied to him for going on half a decade. All this time, Merlin had lied to him and betrayed him. What is his motive? Did he come to Camelot to spy and destroy her from within?

No. That's can't be right.

Merlin had been in Camelot half a decade! If he wanted to do something, he would have done it years ago.

It's been half an hour since the meeting in which Merlin revealed himself. And Gwaine. God, Gwaine of all people is a nobleman.

It's like the world that Arthur knew has been turned upside down in five minutes.

"Arthur!" Gwen shouted, finally getting his attention. Arthur turned to his fiancèe. "Calm down."

"How am I going to calm down?!" Arthur nearly shouted. "Merlin lied to me! He betrayed me!"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "How, Arthur? How exactly did Merlin betray you?" Guinevere crossed her arms across her chest.

Arthur gaped at her. Was she serious? "He has magic-"

"- Which he was born with."

"- Which is evil-"

"- Because your father said so."

"He's a Prince-"

"- Which he was also born with."

"- And he didn't tell me!" Arthur finished, shouting.

"And there we are." Gwen stated. "You're not upset that Merlin "betrayed" you. You're upset because he didn't tell you."

Arthur, loathe as he is to admit it, couldn't deny it. "Why didn't he just tell me?" Arthur asked, quietly, hurt all over his face and voice.

"Oh, Arthur." Gwen sighed. She went up to her fiancèe and hugged him, tightly. He hugged her just as tightly, back. "He wanted to. He wanted to tell you everything. But he was afraid of how you would react."

Arthur pulled out of her embrace to stare at her. "What?"

Gwen smiled, sadly. "Merlin was, no is, afraid of how you would react. He was afraid you would kill him. He has magic, Arthur. He's not going to go up to the Prince of Camelot and say he is a sorcerer, is he? You would have turned him into your father."

"To be honest, I'm not sure what I would have done." Arthur admitted, quietly. "I've been taught that magic is evil my whole life and to find out that Merlin had it the whole time... I just... I don't know..."

"He knows. That's why he didn't want to put you in this position. Talk to him, Arthur. After all of this is done, you and him need to talk. Not as Royals, not as King and servant, but as friends." Gwen said.

Arthur sighed. "You're right, Guinevere. We will." Then realisation dawned on him. "Guinevere."

"Yes, Arthur?" Gwen answered. Her eyebrows furrowed. "You okay? You look kind of pale."

"Merlin's a Prince." Arthur said, kind if out of it.

"Yes, he is?" Gwen said, confused.

"I've been making a Prince, someone of Royal Blood, clean the stables." Arthur stated, horrified.

Gwen couldn't help it. She burst out laughing.


A/N: Hello, everyone.

I know that I haven't updated in ages. I've just had things on my mind and I had writers block for ages. I know that doesn't excuse anything but here is the next chapter.

Sorry it's so short. This is just a "filler" chapter, so to speak. It's basically Arthur's reaction on after the meeting. The next chapter will be longer.

Trust me this story is not on hiatus or abandoned. I've been trying to figure out what to do for this chapter for ages and here is the result.

I hope you like the new chapter.

On a side note: Does anyone of my readers watch SPN? I can't wait for Season 13 and this Hellatus is killing me.

I know this is what you guys have felt when I haven't updated my story for ages but I will try not to make you wait as long for the next one.

Thank you for reading :-)


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