10. Dragons

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When Lancelot and Gwaine disappeared with Arthur and the other knights, Christian turned to Merlin with a grin on his face. "Merlin," Christian began. "Do you fancy riding a dragon?" Merlin's face broke into a wide grin. He nodded vigorously and the two princes went over to the left-hand staircase. Merlin could feel the power of the dragons and Merlin was ecstatic. They raced up the stairs to where the dragons were kept. They reached a large cavern in the centre of the mountains and it was full of different coloured dragons of all shapes and sizes. There was a large opening at the top where the dragons fly free. Most were asleep. Those who weren't, saw Merlin and Christian and bowed to them. The dragons couldn't believe that the heir has returned.

"Anithisan." Merlin said in the dragon tongue. A large, beautiful royal blue dragon with gold tips on the wings, a gold spine and tail and bright golden eyes, landed in front of them. Anithisan. She was a beauty. It had been nine years since the last time they saw each other, and Anithisan hadn't changed a bit. Merlin, on the other hand, did. In more ways than one. Merlin smiled as he looked at Anithisan.

"Merlin?" She asked, unable to believe her eyes that Prince Merlin has returned.

"Yes. It is me." Merlin answered. Anithisan smiled at him, happily. Anithisan bowed a deep bow to him, something she hasn't done in a long time

She examined him closely. "You have grown." She stated, almost sadly. "In more ways than one." Merlin nodded, with something akin to pain and sadness in his eyes. "You are no longer the innocent and naïve, young prince, you once were. You've changed."

"I have. And not for the better." Merlin said. Christian looked at his brother, and saw that Anithisan was right. Merlin has changed. It seems that Camelot has made his brother grow up, fast. Christian could see clearly the pain, anguish and wisdom far beyond his years in Merlin's eyes. Whatever Merlin has endured in Camelot, it caused his pain.

"What is it that has caused it?" Anithisan asked, concerned and curious.

"Destiny." Merlin said, shortly. "For the past five years, I... I've been in Camelot." Anithisan's eyes widened. "I have a destiny. It... Hasn't been easy."

Anithisan nodded, realisation dawning in her bright gold eyes. Christian was confused. "You have become Emrys." She said, simply. Christian snapped his eyes to Merlin, eyes widening.

Merlin smiled, wryly. "Yeah, I have." Merlin said. "So, now I not only do I have my kingdom my shoulders, I also have Camelot's as well. And the whole of Albion as well." Merlin sighed. "Protecting Arthur isn't an easy job especially as he hates magic and hiding who I really am."

Anithisan nodded in understanding. "I know, it isn't easy protecting the Once and Future King, Merlin." She said.

"I met Kilgharrah, too." At this, Christian's, Anithisan's and the other dragons-that were awake-interest piqued.

"You met, Kilgharrah?" Asked Christian's dragon, who just landed next to Anithisan,  Hæntros in awe. He was a dark red, dragon with silver eyes. Hæntros and Anithisan were close. "The Great Dragon?"

"Yes. I have. The first time I arrived in Camelot." Merlin explained. "But he's annoyingly cryptic. Always talks in riddles." Christian chuckled, while the dragon's gazed in awe. Merlin's face falls as he remembered Kilgharrah's attack on Camelot. "He attacked Camelot. I released him but he in acted revenge on Uther and me and Arthur found father." He said to Christian.

"He's... He's alive?" Christian could barely believe it. But if Balinor was alive, then how come he and Merlin are dragonlords?

Merlin shook his head. "No. He escaped but ended up being killed by Cenred's men, four years ago. He saved my life. And now he's gone because of me."

"Emrys!" Anithisan said sharply. Merlin looked up in surprise at his true name being used by his dragon. "Don't say that. He died to save yours. It is not your fault. It was his choice to save yours and his alone. Don't blame yourself..." She trailed off. She looked at Merlin closely. "This isn't the first time you have blamed yourself, is it?" It was more of a statement than a question but he answered anyway.

"No. That's because it was my fault. If I had seen the sword coming..."

"It could have been you." Hæntros interupted. "Yes, Nelthon has losg it's king, but if Nelthon lost it's heir, not to mention Emrys, who knows what would have happened?" Merlin would have objected but, Hæntros continued. "Bad things would happen. Yes, Christian would been the heir if you died, but we would have lost our only chance at regaining Nelthon back."

"I suppose you're right." Said Merlin, thinking. "We will be gaining Nelthon back, one way or another." Merlin said, with determination. He looked up towards the opening and saw that it was almost nightfall. "We should go. Arthur and the others would be wondering where I am." Christian nodded, agreeing. "We will see you tomorrow, Anithisan, Hæntros." They bowed to them in turn, as with the other dragons, and the went down the stairs with leads to the main chamber.

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