16. Escape

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"Morgana." Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine and Lancelot said at the same time.

"Hello, dear brother." Morgana said, with a smirk, icy green eyes cold and dark. Merlin felt sadness fill him. How did she change so much? Her eyes turned on the rest of the group. "And the knights of Camelot and Nelthon." She sneered. Then her eyes turned on Merlin and her eyes grew darker with hatred. Merlin glared back, not weakening his resolve. "And Merlin." She hissed. "I haven't seen you since you last thwarted my plans."

Arthur's eyes widened at that. What? Merlin thwarted Morgana's plans? That can't be right. Arthur turned to look at his manservant to look at Merlin, but Arthur could hardly recognise him. Merlin holding himself differently and was glaring at Morgana with something he had never seen the boy wear before. If Arthur didn't know any better, he would say that Merlin looked dangerous.

Merlin have a cold smile. "And it won't be the last time, Morgana." Merlin said, voice cold. "I've thwarted you before. I can thwart you again. And I will stop you." Merlin's voice turned dangerous towards the end, a clear threat. Arthur was looking at Merlin with incredulity. He had never heard Merlin talk like that. Ever. Then Merlin's words sunk in. What on earth is he talking about?

Morgana scowled. "I don't think so, Merlin. You've thwarted my plans one time too many. And I will make sure you pay." Morgana growled.

Gelmand laughed then, a dark, evil laugh. "How you've grown, Merlin." Gelmand laughed. Merlin turned to his uncle, eyes filling with an unadulterated hatred. "You look just like your father." Merlin's hands clenched tightly and he had to reign in his magic, so as to not strike his uncle down, there and then. "Weak and spineless."

"Don't. You. Dare." Merlin's voice with shaking with barely restrained anger. "My father was a good man. You are the coward, Gelmand." Merlin spat his name out like it was poison. Merlin was shaking with the force it took to control his anger and his magic. Gwaine put a hand on Merlin's shoulder to try and calm the seething warlock down, but jerked his hand away again, as if burned. Merlin was boiling.

Gelmand laughed again, cold and dark. "You always were a fool Merlin." Gelmand then smirked. "Going to hide in Camelot, I never would have guessed. And posing as a servant, too. You really are just like your father. That's exactly the kind of stunt he would pull." Gelmand was in hysterics now. "How cowardly."

Merlin could contain it no longer. His eyes closed, burning gold under his eyelids and Gelmand and Morgana went flying backwards, Gelmand falling unconscious. Morgana lifted her head in time to see Merlin's eyes snap open and gold fading from the irises.

"EMRYS!" She screamed, her eyes burning gold and the castle began to shake.

"This way, sire. We have to get out of here." Sir Ellis shouted over the noise. They turned around and ran the other way, towards the secret exit. Merlin ran in front, eyes glowing gold, using his minds eye to see if anyone was coming. No one was yet.

Then, just before they reached the secret passage, Gelmand's men came out of nowhere. There was at least fifteen of them. "Merlin!" Sir James yelled throwing him, his sword. Merlin caught it with ease.

"What about you?" Just as Merlin said it, James got out his knives and started throwing them. One of Gelmand's men, charged at him and Merlin killed him in two hits.

When there was only two of them left, the warning bell rang. "We have to get out of here." Arthur yelled. Merlin killed the last two of his men and Arthur's jaw dropped at Merlin's sudden ability to use a sword, but didn't have time to dwell on it, for they were all running again. When they finally reached the secret passage, Merlin opened it and went inside the tunnel, the slab of wall closing behind them. Merlin grabbed a torch and lit it with some flint and they all ran down it. When they left the passage, they all ran into the cover of the trees and didn't stop until they were far enough away from the castle. When they stopped, they were all panting. When Arthur caught his breath, he rounded on Merlin. "What the hell was that?" Arthur shouted, shocked. "Since when could you use a sword?"


"And I thought you didn't know your father."


"And what was Morgana talking about? What aren't you telling me, Merlin?"


"What else are you hiding from me? Can't you trus-"

"Arthur!" Merlin yelled. Arthur stopped talking. "Good. I'll explain everything when we get back to the hideout. We need to get moving before Gelmand releases the trackers." Merlin exchanged looks with James and Ellis, whom all shuddered. Mordred's eyes widened slightly and he, too, shuddered. Gwaine, Lancelot and Arthur, however looked confused.

"What on earth are tra-"

"If you shut up for one minute, I'll tell you, you prat." Merlin said, annoyed and impatient. "Trackers are like dogs, but they are more dangerous. If they get a whiff of your scent, they will find you." Merlin said, seriously.


"So we have to leave. Now." Merlin demanded, interrupting Arthur again.

"Merlin's right, sire. Trackers are dangerous." Ellis said.

"Fine. But we are not finished with this conversation." Arthur threatened. Merlin nodded. "How far are we from the hideout from here?" Arthur asked Ellis.

"Not too far. Half a league, perhaps." Ellis estimated.

"Good. Let's go." Merlin ordered. Arthur's eyebrows raised in shock at the authority in Merlin's voice, but didn't question it. They did need to get back. He and Merlin are having one hell of a conversation when they get back to the hideout.


They walked back to the hideout in silence, even Gwaine was quiet. The closer they walked, the more tense Merlin became, but he has already made up his mind. He can't avoid it forever. He's going to tell everyone the truth.

When they passed the barrier into the hideout, Merlin let down his magical shield that he was holding up around them, for they are safe now they've passed the invisible barrier. But he didn't drop them completely.

When they reached the cave entrance, Christian and Sir Robert were waiting for them. Christian breathed a sigh of relief at seeing them all unharmed. Christian turned to his brother and saw the grim look on his face. 'I'm going to tell them. Get everyone in the meeting room. They deserve to know.' Christian barely managed to hide his smile when he heard Merlin's voice in his head. Christian could see how much his brother was dreading this, behind his calm façade. Merlin, despite appearances, wasn't an open book. Merlin always kept secrets, even from him, and for Merlin to be sharing them is something Christian had taken years to achieve. Something must of happened to get Merlin to share his identity. Although, Christian knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Christian is glad it is sooner, than later.

Christian gave an almost imperceptible nod to his brother. Merlin nodded back, once. "Sir Robert, can you get Sirs Leon, Elyan, Percival and the Lady Guinevere and bring them to the meeting room?" Robert nodded and weren't too fulfill the request.

Everyone looked on in confusion. "What's going on?"

Christian turned back to the King of Camelot. "It's time to meet my brother, the Heir of Nelthon."


A/N: I decided to change this chapter for I had a different idea for it. I hope like it. I know it's been ages, but I really have been busy. I've had a ton of coursework to complete and I've finished it (although my History of Theatre one, I still need to do but I'm doing the next part tomorrow). Hopefully the next one won't be too long.

It's my 18th on 16th March. Can't believe it. Two days left before I'm legally allowed to drink (not that I do anyway but that's beside the point). I can't believe it. Wow, it's gone quick.

So the next chapter hopefully won't be too long. I apologise for any spelling mistakes.

Sorry about the long wait.


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