Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

The sunlight wakes me up against my will. I truly need to change my curtains as soon as possible, this ones are thinner than paper. As my morning routine demands I go wash my face, I rub my eyes trying to force myself to fully wake up.

Damn, mornings aren't my thing at all. Saying I look bad its a mere understanding, I look horrible. My hair is tangled, my mascara, which I of course forgot to remove, is a mess, and my eyes are swollen because last night I may had cried myself to sleep. I'm wearing an old blue shirt, slightly broken, and some black shorts I'm almost positive I took from one of the girls by mistake. It still feels like a lot of clothing, Miami is always extremely hot.

I put my hair in an amorphous bun before walking downstairs, following the delicious smell of food. My dad's cheerful voice almost bounces against the walls. I can see my mom talking with who I suppose is my sister, the kitchen's door don't really let me see.

"What smells so freaking goooood!?" I ask happily. Nevertheless, my smile is erased right away. 

"Mila, look who's visiting." I cannot longer pay any attention to my mom, I'm too occupied staring at Lauren. How dares she come here so out of nowhere? "I was making you breakfast but Lauren tells me you two already had plans." I raise my eyebrows incredulous. 

"Don't worry, mom, I'm sure we can change them and eat here instead." I give my mom a small smile. Lauren looks down, she seems so uncomfortable. I don't like making anyone feel that way, but yesterday she surely didn't mind putting me in that position.

"Oh that's great! Camila, give Lauren a plat, food is almost ready." My mom announces and I do as said, making sure to sit as far as possible from her.

My family use every second under their control to interrogate us about everything they can think of. I am too hungry to reply, that's why Lauren takes it upon herlsef to answer their multiple questions. I roll my eyes every now and then when she speaks, not because I disagree with what she says, but to remain her we are not in the best terms right now. Luckily, my parents don't seem to realize what is going on.

Yesterday I received her text, I read it multiple times, trying to understand how she could change her attitude so out of nowhere. It only confused me more, she made me feel like garbage and then, with a simple action, she was able to take most of my pain away. I cried because I just couldn't understand why she was being like that.

I know I'm not mad at her, not any more at least. I'm simply frustrated with myself for giving her so much power over my emotions.

"Bueno, tengo que ir a hacer un par de cosas, las dejo para que acaben de desayunar. Provecho, hijas." My mom says before leaving us alone. I start playing with my spoon, I no longer have food to help me ignore Lauren.

"Camila." I take a sip from my coffee. "Camila..." She tries again. "I am sorry, okay? I am truly sorry, yesterday I was mad with them, not with you and I..."

"Not here, Lauren." I cut her off when I feel tears gathering in my eyes. She simply nods while looking down.

Lauren's POV

I watch Camila while she washes her dish. Apparently she doesn't want to talk, not even listen to me.

I have never been too good at this. I don't enjoy apologizing. The idea of exposing my heart and not being forgiven, terrifies me, it makes more vulnerable than I can handle. I know Camila loves me, and I love her too, but what if that is not enough for her to look beyond my mistakes?

Camila hasn't told me what she wants to, and she isn't gonna say anything while we are inside her house.

It's hard for me to let my guard down, I am awful at facing my problems and the circumstances are starting to hurt my pride. I don't have the ability to express my emotions correctly, which sounds ridiculous if we remember that my job demands being in constant touch with them.

Camila finally breaks the deep silence.
"Let's go for a walk."

If you see a mistake,
please let me know.
Have some patience with me, I may take a while to finish this fic (for the third time).
Just wanted to tell you that there is like absolutely no information about me because I was terrified of anyone finding out I was writing this, back when I was straight (in my head of course). Now I just wanna keep the mystery.
Hope you like it xoxo.

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