Chapter Twenty One: Turning over a new leaf

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AuthorsNote: Guys I'm so excited for this book, I have big plans and your just gong to freak when you find out ! This chapter will contain a time skip and a bit of cute fluff that will make your heart expand from its chest and burst into flames. Okay, I'm getting carried away now but please don't forget to vote and comment but enjoy kiddies X


"You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Boy don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on" - Always be my baby Mariah Carey


"So, how is it going with you and Tatum now ?" Asked Cassandra as she sat around the table at the local Breakfast Dinar with Dylan, Ebony, Samuels sister May and Daniella.

They had all developed a fast track friendship and got on like a house on fire, May and Ebony were ridiculously similar and were often saying something they shouldn't be while Dylan and Daniella were both laid back , chilled and easy going.

"Erm, well I've got something to -"

"I Knew it! "Exclaimed May almost spilling over her coffee over in excitement "You mad him swipe your V card right ?"

Cassandra rolled her eyes, they always said the same thing whenever any of them said they had some important things to say ,especially since Ebony and Daniel had mated as had May and her mate, they couldn't wait for the other girls to join the club.

"Actually I did"Squeaked Dylan turning bright red as the girls started at her wide eyed.

"Congratulations! " Cassandra gushed hugging her best friend in immense happiness because unlike with humans, mating wasn't just about sex , it was about completing the bond and being tied to your mate in mine, body and spirit.

It was something so special and sacred; two souls joining and becoming one. The ultimate declaration of love and your mates scent even mixed with yours so people knew you were now untouchable.

"So how was it?" Demanded May.

"Yeah, how big was his coc-"

"Ebony! Self control please" Cassandra said looking mortified at what her sister was about to say.

"Spoil sport, I always tell you guys about Daniel and I. Like, last night I was cleaning and as I was wiping the side he came behind me and bent me over before pus-"

"EBONY!" Squawked Daniella and Cassandra while May and Dylan burst out laughing as they found it funny how the other girls were so easily embarrassed.

"Long story short it was mindblowimg and I have no regrets apart from wishing I done it much much earlier " Dylan concluded after the girls pestered her for some information of what went down .

When the girls asked Cassandra when she and Samuel would  take the plunge she went silent in thought becuase while they've been some really heavy petting sessions they hadn't gone any further and always stopped after he brought her to the peak of pleasure. But now she was starting to feel abit bad as she had never really returned the favour and that's exactly what she had told the girls.

"I think you guys should talk about it and just do whatever you feel the most comfortable with" Suggsted Daniella gently .

"Okay, gross that's my brother your talking about " Grimaced May before smirking and saying " Let me tell you about this new thing me and Kai tried out "

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