Chapter 10

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I shuffled around and slowly opened my eyes. I woke up startled to find myself looking up at Aoto's sleeping face. He looked so adorable and at peace when he was sleeping. I reached my hand up to touch his face, tracing my finger down the side of his face. Lazily he opened up one of his eyes. "Caught you..." He mumbled softly. I felt myself blush...his morning voice was SO cute. I chuckled moving my hand away but he caught it gently and brought it back to his face. "Don't leave just yet..." I smiled at him looking around the room. It was already sunny. "What time is it?" I asked him. "Not sure...I'll go check." he replied slowly getting up. I stared at him. His bed hair was unbelievably adorable...everything about him in the morning made him so cute. "....Its 10. " He said. I yawned getting up walking up to the window. It was 10 huh...WAIT! IT...WAS...10!

I stood frozen to the spot. " (y/n) are you ok?" Auto enquired walking up to me. "My..... brother..... Is going to kill me...."  I sprinted to the door grabbing my jacket on the way. "I'm so sorry, I really have to go..." I said putting on my shoes and reaching for the door handle. Just as I was about to open the door, I felt him put a hand on mine. "(y/n), you sure you don't want me to come with you?" I stopped, picturing him telling my brother I had been a rough fight, and slept over at his house...I shuddered at my brothers reaction. "N..No that won't be necessary" I replied smiling. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, I ran out to my house.


Just as I turned a corner I ran into someone. ""I looked up to see Midori. "Ahh don't worry, my fault...Ah (y/n)..I was just going to the academy haha.." I watched as she got up brushing herself. Then something in me clicked. "MIDORI YOUR COMING WITH ME!" I yelled grabbing her hand and dragging her to my house. "eh? Wait....I don't mind..but what is it?" She asked. "you'll see..." I smirked as I reached the entrance to my house.


Kanji stared at me and Midori. We stared back. I gulped. "So your saying you fell over on the way home...and decided to have a 'girls night out' with midori?"  He questioned us. "Y..yeh!" I put my arm around Midori Pulling her close. "We are really close friends..right?". Midori looked back smiling. "Yes! It was really fun having a sleepover with her! She just forgot to tell you." Kanji stepped back, deciding whether to believe us or not. I held my breathe. "This isn't very like you...but oh well....I'll never understand these girl things...Just remember to tell me next time baka, do you know how worried I was about you!" Kanji muttered looking back at us sighing. I leant in for a hug. "Thank you Kanji! ". I walked over to a very confused looking Midori. "Well, you might as well stay for brunch (breakfast/lunch)". I grabbed her hand dragging her to are living room.  "Sure" she replied giggling.

I was glad that day I had made a good friend. Because my dark past was very different from the life I was living today.

Divine gate fanfic: You helped save me (reader x aoto)Where stories live. Discover now