Chapter 13

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----General POV-----

To understand eachothers feelings. To understand the hidden wonders the world offers us. These mere concepts....

The boy stood in front of his twin.  He looked up with deceiving eyes, eyes that told a story of their own from the vivid blue colour they withheld.   The boy felt alone at all lengths, willing to be understood, but only got  the opposite.  Almost like there was some kind of barrier, he was separated  from his family. He let his brother take the blame the burden and bare the guilt. He felt tortured looking back at the innocent, clear blue eyes.

He got out his swords, a deathly smile playing at his lips.

******Your POV*****

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.  Sylph  just looked back sympathetically.  I felt a tug at the corner of my jacket. "(Y/n)...there's nothing you can do now...." Kanji looked back at me with a faint smile. I stood there for a while, covering my head in my hands, shuddering as I continued to sob.

I felt someone brush next to my shoulder. I looked up to see a cloaked figure. The person stopped next to me, still facing forwards. I turned away slowly.  "(Y/n)... Listen carefully."    Huh? I turned around to see who it was. "I will try everything for your sake...But....If I can't get Arthur back...I don't know who will.  The gate is within their reach. They will make there own decisions. Trust them. Trust Aoto." I looked back at the cloaked figure, but they were already walking away from me. Who was that...?

I kneeled down on the ground as the tears continued to role down my face.  Aoto...

It had only been a few days since we were talking happily at the academy...But then...Then you disappeared along with Akane and Midori.  You disappeared to the divine gate. Was it all for Ariton? 

Aoto......please....please don't change your past just to change your future! You already have important people in this world! So live up to it! Don't just do it for Ariton! Stay strong....Don't give into the gate...

I let out another cry as another flood of tears came. If he choses to go through with the divine gate...Will I still be of any importance to him? Will I still be remembered?

I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder.

"Come on (y/n) Lets go home...." Kanji said slowly.








Divine gate fanfic: You helped save me (reader x aoto)Where stories live. Discover now