Chapter 11

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I wasn't sure how, but I told him everything. 


As I was walking back from the academy with Midori, Akane,and Aoto , I somehow ended up getting separated , leaving me with Aoto.  We had decided to go on a walk together, and turned up at my house. (Thank god Kanji was out for a few days.) As it was late, we went in, and just started to talk and...are stories slowly started to reveal...every dark memory from our past, every  somber thought, feeling we had. We shared them. We shared are past, we felt each others pain.

******My past****

"Open your eyes. See the world. This isn't an ending for you, its a beginning....(y/n)...."  The whispers echoed in my ear and around the dark shadows surrounding me. "Mum" I whispered. "Dad...."....I reached out a hand towards the dark night sky. 

Splash. One tear after another fell, pouring down my face like a limitless waterfall. Vivid red Flames surrounded me. I tried to get up, I tried to turn back and run from the fire that won't leave my side. But it won't work, and I know it won't but I refuse to give up. "MUUUUM! DAAAAAD! NO! DON'T!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs, as the darkness of the nights coaxes me into an endless, red, nightmare. The flames dance around me, almost in an intimidating manner, taunting me. I look down at my hands in disgust. These hands that hold the lives of my parents....why? I wonder why I was born, no cursed with the power of flames.... Why I was a fire adapter. Slowly I got up, my hands curling into tight fists. The cruel heat protected me, but killed them. The flames thrived within me, powerful and strong...but only harmed them, who were parents.

I stood at the top of the rubble and fragments of my house, now enveloped in crimson red flames. Desperately trying, I attempted again to stop the fire, but nothing happened. I wondered how desperate, how shameless it was that I could not even tame my own power. At that moment, as a tear slowly fell down my face, the fire took control of me, my feelings,  just like the fire, burnt my emotions, my self, and scarred my heart. 


I stopped, gathering my breathe as I finished speaking. I was too scared to look at him. He had told me his own past, but it was Ariton that hurt his parents not him. With trembling legs, I got up, attempting to leave. But I was stopped as I felt his hands tightly clasp around my waist. "Its not fair on either of us (y/n)...its the same for both of us..." He softly whispered into my hair.  I shook in his arms as his words hit me. "But It was my fault there dead...I WANT THEM BACK!" I shouted, tears flooding my face again. "I know (y/n)... And I want my family back too..." He replied, as I felt him burry his face into my neck.  I thought of Aoto, the kind blonde haired boy, that showed me light..showed me love. "Aoto I killed them, not  anyone else...YOU CAN'T LOVE SOMEONE LIKE ME!" .  I couldn't stop the tears now. "Its my fault there fault..." I whispered. But Aoto turned me around so I was facing him. "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST LEAVE ME AFTER SHOWING ME REAL WARMTH? I was lost and cold, and you found me...your past was a mistake, but don't think that makes you who you will be in the future ". I had never seen Aoto so determined... "you stopped the endless rain falling and made the sun come can't leave me..." He pulled me into a tight hug. "You can't leave me...You can't leave me..." I could feel him shake in my arms as he sobbed into my neck. "So don't leave me...don't...." I pulled him closer to me.  "I..won't...ever...leave." I whispered as are foreheads touched. Gently he caressed my cheek, and rested his lips on mine. He tasted sweet, like vanilla, and his kiss was so warm and gentle. As we kissed, I felt his wet face- tears trickled down both his cheek and mine. I won't leave you...ever....the words echoed in my head. This my new beginning...

Divine gate fanfic: You helped save me (reader x aoto)Where stories live. Discover now