Chapter 17

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So this is just a world created by the divine gate to grant Aoto's wish. 

I stared blankly at the ceiling in my room. It had taken me a while to get accustomed to all the changed. Oz had explained to me that all the changes had been made by the divine gate to fit Aoto's wish- of him being closer with Ariton, and for some reason, so far, I'm the only one (well with Oz) that remembers everything thats happened.  I was now in a group with Yukari and Ariton, and Aoto was in a group with Ginji and Hikari.  It sucked. Moreover, it turned out that Ariton is a total playboy in this world, so now I have to put up with all his flirtatious comments.  

"Uhhhh.." I groaned in frustration turning around on my bed. Aoto hurry up and remember me....   

A load knock awoke me out of my trance.  Yawning, I got up lazily rubbing my eyes and headed toward the door. "Yes?" I opened it to reveal none other than Ariton.  I was about to slam the door in his face when he leaned against the door instead, preventing me from shutting it.  Angrily I looked back at him. "How can I help you?" I answered reluctantly. "Well for starters gorgeous, how about we try get along?" He replied leaning in way to close to me, his signature smirk plastered on his face. "Ariton back off "  I muttered, desperately losing my patience.  He continued leaning in closer when someone coughed behind him. "If you don't mind we should probably start heading off now." 

I looked behind Ariton, coming into view with magnificent dark midnight eyes.  "Yukari!" I skipped of to her silently thanking that she helped get away from Ariton.  "We need to be at the academy. Training is in half an hour. We're leaving."  She answered in a smooth voice heading towards the door. Training's still today..I forgot about that! "Wait!" I yelled trying to run up to her, but a strong set of arms pulled me back. "Not so fast." Ariton whispered in my ear. I groaned trying to get free but his grip was too strong. "Meet me at the library after training... I have something I want to tell you..." I flinched as his lips made contact with my ear. Finally I managed to stumble out of his grasp. I looked over at Ariton giving him a death stare. "Whatever, we're going to be late." And with that I got up and stormed out of the house.


"...OH..NO...YOU...DON'T!" I yelled lashing out at Akane landing a good few hits, before landing a perfect jump back onto the ground. 

A round of applause came from behind me. I turned around to see Midori and Hikari rush towards me. "(y/n) your so strong!" Hikari flounced about excitedly.  "Yeh, even I couldn't take out Akane like that! Although I would still beat him..."  muttered Midori, a mischievous grin on her face. "I heard that!" Shouted Akane from the edge of the training grounds.  I looked around them amused. At least training was still fun. "Thanks..." I replied. As I continued talking to them my eyes trailed of, finally resting on a pair of gentle azure blue eyes.  My heart skipped a beat. Aoto....He was standing there looking at me, his soft smile playing at his lips. Before I knew it, he was walking towards me. 

"You did well (y/n)" He simply stated looking down at me again.  I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. "Th..thankyou..." I muttered back. "Your definitely a strong  girl. Please take care of my twin." He mumbled softly. I felt a breath hitch in my throat. As I continued staring back at him, memories of us being together flooded my brain. But he still had't remembered me. I felt a tear trail down my cheek. 

"(Y/n)..are you ok?" His gentle word echoed in my ears. I couldn't look at him...I felt to heart broken... Before I knew it a whole stream of tears poured down my face. "(Y/n)?" Yukari questioned. Now everyone was gathered round me staring. "I..I'm sorry if I said anything upsetting..." Aoto whispered shyly. Hiccuping slightly, I slowly got myself up. "I'm fine. Trainings over now anyway... don't worry about me."  I said grabbing my driver and walking away.


Before I knew it, it was 8:30. I walked to the front of the gates sighing loudly. ' Crap Kanji's gonna kill me if I'm not home in half an hour'. I was about to head off when It suddenly started raining. 'Great...'  I pulled up my hood, trying to put my phone away, when it started raining really heavily.  I ran under the nearest tree hoping the rain would stop.

"Ahh, so here you are!"

I jumped back surprised that someone was was behind me. It was Ariton. "Why are you here? Hasn't Aoto already left?" I questioned him, but he looked down at the ground silently. "You weren't at the I came to find you...I had something important I was going to say."   Confused I looked bak at him. "Well...?" I answered back. Ariton shuffled awkwardly trying to avoid my gaze, a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

"The thing is...(y/n)...I..I like you." 

Divine gate fanfic: You helped save me (reader x aoto)Where stories live. Discover now