Log 1

33 1 0

It's finally my turn to get off this planet. My parents bought our tickets this morning, and me, my older brother, Josh and little sister, Alex are jumping for joy. Although I guess I should start the story from the beginning.

{Olivia changes her voice to a low, dramatic one}

It was ten years ago, the year 2024. We had destroyed Earth with over population, WWIII (thankfully no nukes were used), pollution and deforestation. In all honesty, Earth was now just the crappiest place in the universe, and the people weren't in much better condition. People were dying all over the place, from disease, the war and in street in fights over food because there was so little. And since the government went into hiding during the war, they weren't much help...

Then, on my 6th birthday, I had the best birthday ever.

"Olivia," my mom called from the living room of our small apartment, "come here sweetie."

I came running to her, "Yes Momma?"

She put a hand on my shoulder, and moved out of the way and I saw a cake--an actual birthday cake! As I was about to reach for my slice, the ground started to shake a little. At first we thought it was an earthquake, since we live in California, so I started to eat my cake. Then I heard it... that wonderful sound of their ships. (Well, we think the sound is wonderful now.)

But when it first came, we all went outside to see what was happening. In the sky were their ships, big and black with blue lights that burned your eyes when you looked directly at them.

Some people panicked, others yelled about how right they were. Then there was the government which just went into war mode (you know with the nukes pointed at every ship in the sky.)

Well anyways, then hatches on the ships started to open and millions of smaller ships came out...

[Not. It wasn't that many sis, it was in the thousands per ship.]

{Alex's sudden voice makes Olivia jump.}

[Shut up Alex, you were to young to remember!]

{Josh strides over from his spot on the old worn out couch.}

[Actually, Liv, Alex is about right although it was probably in the ten thousands.]

[Oh come on Josh you always take her side!][Stop before you two get to heated and we return these tickets]

[Yes, Father.]

[Yes, Daddy.]

Sorry about that, my brother can be a total jerk sometimes, anyway so the ships came down. I think it was one per neighborhood which is why I said there were so many! {Olivia turns yelling at her siblings then back to the camera}

But anyways, one landed on the street, right in front of our apartment. Some people went into their house, some just told their kids to go inside (which were my parents) and others curiously walked towards the vehicle. About 2 minutes of it just sitting there, and finally something moved. The hatch on the top started to open, and out came one of them. They are a dark, almost black, blueish-green that fade to an aqua blue on their fore arms, I would imagine it would do so on their shins and calves as well (if they even call them that...). But anyway, their faces were slim and kind of looked like the traditional alien but it's more 3D than those and they have a bit more of a humanistic feel to them. And they're about an average of 6 feet tall.

Anyways, so he gets out and every one freaks out and starts backing up (guess things just got real for them). Then he stands tall with his feet together and does their salute, which is a fist on their bicep just above the inside of their elbow. Then they raised their arm and then bend it so that if you look straight at them, it looks like their fist is right next to their head. Then there were some noises from the big ship which we now know was their leader giving his men a command. They then pushed a button on the devices on their neck and began to speak english.

"People of Oulch, we are the Hilyuomjec. Your planet has been destroyed and we wish to help you!"

The government did lower their weapons, but only ever so slightly, so if there was even the slightest slip up, they could raise their weapons and fire in a matter of seconds. So long story short, the government made a treaty with the Hilyuomjec and they made life just a little bit better with just the thought of help...and then things did get better... Well that is for a while anyways, about two months ago, we got the news, our planet was finally dying and we needed to get off of it with in a matter of months. Of course all the rich people got to buy their tickets and were the first to leave (although I'm pretty sure that the Hilyuomjec don't approve of the tickets). After that it was crazy to get tickets. Some people got their's the "legal way," work hard and save up and get a ticket, others went to the black market. It was chaos there, I should know I had to work for someone down there, to earn some more money faster. There were all kinds of people there that you don't want to mess with... Anyways, we got our the "legal way" and we finally get to leave this Hell hole I'm forced to call home. This ends video log one.

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