Log 4

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Log 4
So not much happened since the last log, we got our luggage, got dinner and went to bed. But the thing is once we got to the dinning hall, I realized through all the commotion, I didn't eat lunch... ^^' ehehehe... Anyways, so we got back to our room after dinner and went straight to bed.

Unlike the rest of my family, I stayed awake, thinking. I thought about how the trip might go, if I could actually make friends here, how much there is to explore and if I'm going to have fun or if this is going to be the most boring year and a half of my life. Then I finally fell asleep after a while.

Then in the morning we went to go to breakfast but we were stopped by a Hilyuomjec. "Excuse me, Frost family," he says as he walks up behind us and we turn around. "Hello, my name is Rebol, I am your Sector Master."

My father shook his extended hand "hello my name is John, this is my wife Eleanor, my son Josh, and my two daughters, Alex and Olivia."

When Rebol looked at me though... It was as though a sort of instinct had kicked in. He walked up to me and placed his palm on my forehead so his fingers were on the top of my head, then he took a step back and looked me in the eye.

"Forgive me, I was just scanning you to make sure you weren't sick."

"What made you think I was sick?" I asked curiously.

"You have spots on your face, a symptom of many human illnesses," I blushed and he looked confused, "now your face is red... Hmm... I wonder if the scanners are off..."

My mom laughed and Rebol looks at her with confusion and curiosity. "We get spots on our faces in our teenage years, we call them zits."

"Ah yes, I remember hearing of this once."

"Most people get embarrassed if their zits are mentioned, which is why her face turned red" my mother said in a sweet tone, which I could have sworn was just to annoy me...

"Ah, well I apologize for embarrassing you," he said with a bow of his head.

"No, no, it's ok, really," I said waving my hands in front of me.

He stands tall and says, "Then please allow me to escort you to the dinning hall, for first meal."

I know that the Hilyuomjec aren't ones to owe someone something, but this was weird... Well at the time anyway. Once we had gotten to the dinning hall, he finally spoke.

"Do you mind if I eat with you? I have yet to eat first meal."

I thought it wouldn't hurt if he sat and ate with us so I looked at my family to see that they were thinking the same thing. So I said "sure, I don't see why not." So we got our food and going through everything, I realize that they have the same basic foods in their diet as we do, protein, grain, fruit and vegetables but they don't use dairy of any sort.

Anyways, we sit down and I look for my family and realize that they decided to sit with some people they met yesterday. I didn't want to seem rude to Rebol and get up, so I stayed. I was eating my "hash browns" (or at least they seemed like that... But they may have been made with something other than potatoes...) when Rebol started to talk.

"Do you like it on the ship?"

"Yeah, actually I think this place is pretty cool. My brother on the other hand wants to just get there already," I giggled.

"So, I am to assume that you and your siblings do not get along?" he asked with empathy.

So I replied, "yeah, do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, I have three older brothers and two younger brothers."

"And I'm guessing you guys don't get along very well?" he shakes his head. "Yeah, I think that is how it is no matter what race you are," and he actually laughed.

I didn't even know Hilyuomjec could laugh, they're always so serious, of course I join in and laugh too, but people were staring in shock, they probably haven't seen it either... Then I say, "I've never seen a Hilyuomjec laugh before... Why is that?"

He stopped, "it's because we have a hard time doing so..."

"May I ask why?"

"Most of us were raised to be soldiers to protect those who cannot protect themselves and lend a helping hand to those who need it... So we just do not have the, as you humans would say, 'luxury of it'." He looked down, sad, almost depressed.

"That's sad... If I didn't laugh as often as I do... I wouldn't have been able to last as long as I did and I don't think my family would either."

"May I ask why?"

"Well... Mostly, because humans need a reason to live. Our reason was us staying together and being happy," I look over at my family seeing my sister being silly and everyone laughing. "We thrive on happiness and love," I look down then back up at Rebol, "and if one stops, we all stop..." I realized I was about to cry so I decided to change the subject. "anyways, what about your parents? Do you guys get along?"

"None of us actually get to meet our mother, we are however, trained by our father so we become very attached to them," he says in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh... why don't you see your mother?" I asked hesitantly.

"Unlike you humans, we survive on quugol." He paused, "please forgive me, I seem to have forgotten the translation, it's chemical compound is two hydrogens and one oxygen."

I giggled, "that's alright, it's water," I smile but then felt sad, " but still, how could you guys become so kind and loving without a mother's love?"

"Unlike humans, the males are the kinder and more gentle sex, plus our training starts with lessons of kindness and love."

"Oh, ok then our kind must be very strange to you then huh?" I say smiling a very cheesy smile and he smiles and nods.

Once we finished our breakfasts, we both get up. We walk to the table my family was at and tell them I was going back to the room. I walk to the tray drop off and when I turn around I almost bump into Rebol, but he catches my shoulders so that I didn't then he backs up. (The Hilyuomjec always did like their personal space.)

"I'm sorry Rebol, I should have been paying attention," I apologize.

"No it's my fault, I should have remembered that humans don't have senses like us," he said moving to the side motioning for me to start walking.

I started to head back to my room when I noticed that Rebol was walking next to me. "Um... Rebol...?" he looked at me, "I don't need an escort..." I say nervously, hoping he doesn't get offended.

He looks back up, "I know," I look at him with confusion, "I am the Sector Master remember?"

My eyes widen at my idiocy and I laugh, "oh right," I smile and walk to my room door. "Bye Rebol, I hope we get to talk more," I say walking into the room and giving him a smile.

{Olivia's family walks into the room and Josh walks up to her}

[Oh Olivia, have you been here the whole time?]

[Well duh, where else would I be?]

[With the Hilyuomjec.]

{He winks at her teasingly}

[What the heck! Why would I-]

{Olivia turns the camera off}

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