Log 13

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Log 13

I've decided to say the month, week, and day. I just feel it makes more sense, so we've been on this ship for 1 month, 1 week, and 3 days. And unfortunately, today I wasn't able to read with Rebol, honestly I didn't even see him except at breakfast, apparently the captain called a meeting for the West Sector, Sector Masters.

Anyway, so today, I was working with a woman and me and Justin were running all over trying to take care of these women... I think that they get more demanding as the illness goes on... but maybe that's just the female bodily functions. {Olivia laughs nervously.} Sadly the Hilyuomjec didn't really account for every woman having monthly issues, because they didn't exactly "pack for the occasion". (Stupid male politicians) {Olivia whispers under her breath}

{Olivia begins to cringe in pain and starts to seemingly curl up into a ball while groaning. Alex, hearing her sister, comes into the room and sees her sister in said position and runs over to her.}

[Are you okay, sis?!] {She asked very worried} [Are you sick?!]

[No...] {Olivia says through her pain} [I'm just having monthly cramps...]

[Oh... do you want me to get you something...?]

[Some... muscle... relaxants... p-please...] {Olivia strains to say}

{Alex nods and runs out the door leaving Olivia curled up. After three mins she comes running back with empty hands} [We don't have any...]{She says slightly rushed but still upset and worried}

[C-call the...] {Olivia cringes as another spasm comes and falls out of the chair and Alex tries to catch her but fails and looks at her elder sister even more worried}[...infirmary...]

{Alex nods and runs to make the call in the background she can be heard} [Hello? Infirmary?]

[This is the infirmary,] {Jesgel's voice comes over the com}[What is the problem?]

[My sister, Olivia, she needs muscle relaxants, she's in a lot of pain!]

{Jesgel's voice turns to one of surprise} [O-of course, we will send some right away]

{Then the front door is heard opening} [Rebol?] {Alex says surprised then there was a pause} [Never mind, Rebol brought some] {She says in a slight rush}

{Jesgel lets out a relieved sigh} [Good, I will cancel the order then]

{Alex runs in with a bottle of pills in one hand and a bottle of water on the other, she puts them on the desk, Rebol then walks in and sees Olivia curled up on the floor and he instantly runs over to her and speaks in Ckoup} [Iuxe olu aei, Olivia?!1]

{Olivia looks up at Rebol} [Rebol...? W-] {Olivia cringes in pain and Rebol leans down to help} [ What are you doing here...?]

[Omeonec myu cyuch neel orscan cfmukurol jojuom Yu jocmoc...2] {He said Olivia nods, and he puts one hand on her back and the other on her shoulder to try to gather to sit up, and turned to Alex} [Open the water bottle, then get two pills and give them to her]

{Alex nods and does as she was told. Slowly but surly the relaxants kicked in and Olivia begins to uncurl and relax into Rebol's arm. When she was fully relaxed for about a minute, she finally speaks} [...thanks...]

{Rebol nods then helps her up and sits her back in her chair} [Fouqu jomozzug...?3]

[Womanly problems...] {Rebol looks at her confused} [You know... the once a month Hell that women go through...?{Rebol looks even more confused and looks to Alex for help}

[Nope! You get explain this one sis, I'm not staying for this one...] {Alex says getting up and leaving}

[So you really don't know what a period is...]{Rebol shakes his head} [Then what happens to the unfertilized eggs of your women...?]

[Cmunag obur chlyuv obuh oxyur in orzzeoz Yu fghaech...4] {Rebol said just getting more confused}

[We do, but we have a cell called an egg, and once a month if that egg isn't fertilized, our body dispenses it and sheds some of the uterus, and in the process, uses cramps to help dispense everything.]

{Rebol looked at her like he didn't know what to say or do, then he looked at her gently} [Eshchimu Yu mus ej cyu oloch?5]

{Olivia shakes her head} [No, I just need to take muscle relaxants, keep a pad on and rest...]


[Yeah for the blood...] {Rebol's eyes widen} [Yeah... kinda comes with the territory of shedding your uterus...]

[Let Omeilobo cyuch juv cyu fyu...?6]

[No... some people are lucky and get little to no cramps, other people are unlucky enough to have them every month... luckily I'm not one of them, I just am having a bad month...]

{Rebol nods, then asks} [Imu loche ojyuc cfsotto olu oloch...?7]

[Well, we get hormonal, not as hormonal as we would if we were pregnant though] {Olivia laughs}

[Yuquimu ef cyuch jyuebu cyu oloch?8]

[Well, I could get pregnant...] {Rebol's eyes widen and Olivia laughs} [I'm kidding, although there's two ways, that being one, the other is to get the organs removed and never have kids.]

[Chev cmeyufze jyuebu Yu jraequ lotolz ef...9]

[Me too... for now anyways...] {Olivia said and the two blushed}

{Rebol lifts his head suddenly looking towards the door and puts his hand on her shoulder} [Foh hsuv ef xlequ Yu obug ef, olu ef ov iuxe aei esheh?10]

{Olivia smiles and nods} [Yeah, as long as I have the relaxants.]

{Rebol nods} [Joul lofur oqu mus czugolz?11]

{Olivia nods again} [That would be nice]

{Rebol nods with a smile then walks out of the room. Olivia sighs when she hears the front door close and moves back into the chair, then puts her feet up on the on it and brings her knees to her chest hugging them. After about half a minute of sitting like that, she sighs and says under her breath} For some reason that didn't get awkward... don't know how though... {Olivia then sits up and puts her feet on the ground and talks in her normal voice} Welp... guess I should make a log about this... Okay {Olivia takes a deep breath to calm herself and breaths out then looks at the camera and turns it off.}

*1: Are you okay Olivia?

*2: I sensed someone in this room needed muscle relaxants...

*3: What happened...?

*4: I though humans gave live birth like my people...

*5: Is there anything I can do?

*6: Is it this bad for every one?

*7: are there any other side effects?

*8: Is there anyway to avoid this?

*9: both options I would like to avoid...

*10: I have to get back to work, are you going to be okay?

*11: Perhaps we can read later?

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