Log 12

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Log 12

Today started out as usual: I woke up, got ready, and Rebol was waiting for me outside to go to breakfast, we went to the cafeteria and ate ... unfortunately I couldn't get the courage to ask Rebol, so I just kinda sat there in silence (for once) and Rebol was giving me a look. Eventually Alex showed up, and talked to Rebol, but he kept looking at me with that look. After I was done, I got up and said my goodbyes and hurried to the infirmary on level 6.

Normally Justin would get here before I do, but I think that's because me and Rebol talk. (Ugh I still feel really bad about not talking with Rebol this morning.) Anyways I went to Jesgel to see if I could help him with anything. "No, Miss Olivia, I am alright. Go attend to the ill."I nodded and went over to one of the beds to check the vitals of one of them. I look at his info, he has Byusloca just like most everyone has, and just like most others, he looks absolutely horrible, I mean yes, this is supposed to be the equivalent of the flu... but honestly... it looks like the plague in there...

I'm just glad that Rebol hasn't gotten it yet, I don't want to see him in that kind of condition.

Anyways as I'm checking Kentloc (the Hilyuomjec's) vitals he looks over at me, "oh, you're awake, how are you feeling?" He just shakes his head and has a coughing fit that lasts a couple if minutes. (Although their coughing is a little odd, it has a vibrating to it and also a second tone to it... like they have a second voice box... but I don't remember that being in the charts in the book... I'll have to ask Jesgel about it later.)

After his fit was over, I took his temperature (when they have a fever, their temperature actually goes down because their body is using their energy to fight the illness rather than heating their bodies and if that isn't enough, their bodies will full on shut down and they'll go into a coma like state.) But his fever isn't even close to that of a few days ago, which is good, it means he's improving, so I look at him and smile, "well, Kentloc, your temperature is rising at a steady rate, so you will probably be good to go in a few more days, sound good?" he nods.

I get up and do the same thing with a few others then Justin comes up to me, "Liv, Jesgel wants to see you."

"Huh? Why? I'm working..."

He shrugs, "I don't know, he sent someone to tell you but then came to me, said I should take over for you for a little while," I hand him the tablet and head out the door, up the elevator and straight to his office.

I put my card on the scanner and I walk in to see both Rebol and Jesgel standing in his office. When Rebol looks at me, I shyly look away with a slight blush, I was snapped out of it when Jesgel spoke up, "Miss Olivia, Rebol was telling me he is worried about you."

"Why? I'm completely fine" I said looking at him.

"Then it is a personal problem between the two of you?"

"It... I guess you could call it that..." I said looking down with a slight blush.He nods and sit down, "very well, I see you both unfit for work until you straighten this out." And he taps a few buttons of the screen on his desk and the little device on my hip, that tells me when someone is asking for help, turns red (I'm guessing that it means it was off until further noticed).

Rebol nods to Jesgel, and motions for me to leave first, so I head to the door with him right behind me. He stays like that until we get into his room, when he moves to stand next to me and I look away with a slight blush. He sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder and I stop, but don't look at him, so he just says in English, "Are you angry with me?"

My eyes widen and I look him straight in the eyes "What?! Why would you think that?!" He looked confused, "you have been avoiding eye contact until now and you did not speak to me other than a hello and a goodbye."

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