Christmas Special

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(Please note this short has nothing to do with he actual story, I just thought it would be fun to have a special thing for Christmas since it would be a quick and easy thing to do with finals here and everything (sorry I couldn't do you all any better...and if you don't celebrate Christmas, sorry it's the only holiday I know how to celebrate...), and this will take place as though they met on earth and the earth isn't literally just about to explode, like it probably won't ever explode and the Hilyuomjec have mostly left (since their job is done and they really aren't needed anymore), but as some of them have connections and the race is now friends with the humans, some like Rebol have decided to stay.)


{Olivia is holding the camera and standing in front of a Christmas tree with her family in the background}

Hello people! ITS CAWISTMAS!!!!! {Olivia laugh maniacally}

{Her family laugh in the background}

[Sis! I think you had to much sugar!]{Alex says}

[And eggnog]{Josh says continuing to laugh}

[N-no I haven't!!] {Olivia says jokingly slurring her words}

{Eleanor giggles then interrupts} [alright you guys, let her finish.]

[Yes mom.] {the two said in unison with smiles on their faces}

Anyways, so yeah! It's Christmas, so I decided to record the day! Why? BECAUSE I CAN!!!! {Olivia laughs again} SO! My family (as they so rudely interrupted...) {Olivia glares at them jokingly and Eleanor just gives her a joking thumbs up} are here too because, well Christmas, and what is Christmas without family?!?! Soooooo, you, my precious camera, are gonna be resting on the tripod. {Olivia fiddles with the camera and then clicks it onto place on the tripod.}

{Olivia backs up to make sure it's going to stay, then goes to sit with her family. She sits between her mom and sister who Josh is next to, and John next his wife.}

{Eleanor turns to her family}[okay who's first to pick out presents?]

{Alex excitedly raises her hand waving it side to side}[Ooh!Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!]

{Olivia laughs and turns to her sister}[ You always want to go first Alex!]

[That's because you guys never pick out the good presents!!]{Alex pouts, and the rest of the family laughs}

[Alright, but I always thought you want to save the best presents for last!]{Josh says jokingly while putting his arm around his little sister}

{Alex looks up, thinking, and just nods}[Okay! Sis, you can go first!]

{Josh pouts but agrees and Olivia gets up and picks out five presents, all wrapped in plain brown paper and string. She sits down passes them out}[Right to left?] {Everyone nods, and Josh opens his present first it's a pack of 3 new undershirts for his work, the mechanic shop just down the street, he thanks his parents.

{Then Alex opens her's, it's a pack of four pencils and a box of 24 crayons}[Wow! This is the biggest box I've ever gotten!! Thanks mom and dad!!]

{Then Olivia opened her gift, it's a pack of notebooks, Olivia looks confused}[Why would I need notebooks?]

[That's a surprise for later sweetie]{John says}

[Okay dad.]{Olivia smiles}

{Next is Eleanor, when she opens it up it's a new winter jacket, she turns to John}[Thanks sweetie I needed this for my business trip tomorrow.]

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