Log 8

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Log 8

{Olivia sighs}

Well... mom is sick... we don't really know what it is, so she is staying in the infirmary just in case it's contagious.

But enough of the sad and upsetting stuff, today I made a new friend. His name is Justin, I met him in the infirmary. He's actually the other new volunteer there and he helped with mom. He's really nice, but don't tell Josh that I said that... He'll start teasing me about that too... _ _|||

Anyway we both read the same chapters although the cool thing about Justin is that he actually learned Ckoup, so he read the original, cool huh? So we decided to study together when we could. But we weren't able to till lunch break because there was so much going on.

Basically after breakfast, I took mom into the infirmary.

"Ms. Olivia, who is this?" Jesgel said walking up to us.

"This is my mom, she isn't feeling too well and has been having trouble sleeping."

"I see, come," he motioned for us to follow him. He leads us to a room with a few other women and a little girl who were having the same issues as mom.

Justin walks up to us and speaks Ckoup (Justin later translated for me), "another one?"

"Yes, please check her vitals and put her in bed 37."Justin nods leads us to the bed with the symbol for 37 and pulls out a scanning device and tablet. "what is your name?" he asked me.


"Okay Olivia, when did you start feeling sick?"

"What?! Oh, no. I'm not sick, my mom is," I said pointing to my mom who waved at him weakly.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized with a slight blush.

"That's okay," I smiled.

"Well then what's your name?" he said looking at my mom this time.

"Eleanor Frost," she said quietly, this worried me even more, she is never quiet. EVER!!!

"Okay Eleanor, is there an 'e' at the end of that?" he asked typing into the tablet.


"Okay, and how old are you?"


"And how long ago did you start feeling sick?"

"A day after we got on this ship..."

"I see, well, please sit still while I scan you," he picked up the scanner and scanned her wrist, forehead, then her chest. "Well your vitals are okay, but your face is a little red, here, lets lay you down," he helped her lay down and I handed her a glass of water.

"Thank you," she said and gave me back the empty glass and closed her eyes.

Justin smiled and nodded, then turns to me and extends his hand, "I'm Justin by the way."I shook his hand and smiled "Olivia, but I guess you already knew that huh?" I laughed slightly embarrassed.

He laughs and nods, "so do you want to stay with her?"

"Oh! Uh, no, I'm actually a volunteer here in the infirmary."

"Oh, cool, I just started today."

"Me too!" I said, so I'm gonna skip to when we are done helping the women. so after we help them and a Hilyuomjec comes and switches out with us, we walked out of the room and Jesgel walks up to us. "Ah, there you two are, have you studied the readings you were given?" We both nod, "good, then you can help us with this, he started to walk away.

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