Log 11

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Log 11

{Olivia grunts in both pain and exhaustion as she sit in her chair}

I honestly can't believe it's been two weeks since my last log... time just flew by and I didn't even really realize it until today when I was working with the women.

You know how most women are, always have to have a conversation. So often they ask me about myself and of course being me, I can't deny them, so I talk with them and of course in doing so, I usually end up talking about my logs. Well today one of the women Lynn and I were talking as I was caring for the woman next to her, who has been sick for about 3 months now and is fading in and out of consciousness. As we were talking she asked about my logs and that's when I realized how longs it had been... {Olivia laughs nervously} sorry...

Anyways, over these past weeks it's pretty much been the same everyday. Get up, get ready, eat breakfast with Rebol(although my family's been eating with us lately and we do have some fun conversations). Then its straight to work, lunchtime with Justin and maybe a few Hilyuomjec (and now I can understand about a quater of what they are saying), then back to work, then dinner with Rebol and my brother, and every once in a while, Justin as well (honestly I think Josh is starting to have a little crush.

[I do NOT have a "crush" on Justin!]{Josh says from the couch}

{Olivia rolls her eyes and leans into the camera and whispers} he totally does {she leans back}Anyways in the infirmary nothing has really changed. Jesgel is still the same, hardly taking care of himself, trying to find a cure. Justin and I are learning how to work on things together better. I mean I'm not saying we didn't work well together before or anything, we're just learning to be an even better team, you know?

{Olivia looks up thinking about what to say next}

Oh, yesterday, I noticed just how many human customs Rebol has been doing with me. I don't know if he is doing them because they are also Hilyuomjec customs (which I highly doubt) or if it's just so I feel comfortable or something like that. So tomorrow I'm gonna talk with him about it... I hope... I really want to learn their customs.

{Olivia's dad comes out from his room and into the living room and the three siblings turn around.} [Guys this place is a mess, clean it up.]

[Okay dad!] {the three say in unison}

{Olivia turns back to the camera}[bye bye]{turns off the camera.}

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