Log 18

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Log 18

{Olivia sighs irritably} 1 month and 3 weeks into our trip. There really hasn't been much change in the women and Hilyuomjec, more are coming and Jesgel is still stressing out about what to do...

But of course this isn't what you're wanting to hear right now, is it...?

{Olivia pinches the bridge of her nose and grunts very gutturally} I...it's just... UGH!!!!!! Why the hell would he do this do this?!?! It really just pisses me off!!! {she throws something from her desk and it hits the side of the camera knocking it over and you hear Olivia crying in the background. After about 10 minutes of her crying, she picks it up, wipes her tears and sighs}Okay... I think... I think I'm okay for now...

So... um... I guess I should start from this morning. I did my usual morning routine except I made sure I grabbed Rebol's presents and keep them in my bag that I carry from time to time if I'm doing studying.

When I get to the cafeteria, I see Rebol waiting for me, as he usually does. I walk over to him, "Hello Olivia, how are this morning?" He asked in a hopeful manner.

"Pretty good actually," I replied with a smile.

He smiled back, "Good, are you going to help my Brothers today?"

"Yep," He always asks even though he always knows, it's pretty cute actually. {Olivia smiles gently at the thought, but then shakes her head and slams her fist on the desk and whispers angrily to herself} (You're supposed to be mad at him!)

{She looks back at the camera and in her normal voice, says,} Anyway... we got our breakfast and sat down with my sister and dad. We eat and I talk with my sister about her training (she's training to be an engineer, gotta start them young right? Plus it's her passion so we're fine with it){Olivia giggles.} Then we all get up to leave. ( Josh was sitting with Justin (again), I just wish they would sit with us... and/or just kiss already.)

Anyway, back to the story. so we finish our breakfast and Rebol walks me to the Hilyuomjec hospital as he usually does, but he looked disappointed the whole way for some reason... "Hey Rebol?"

"Yes Olivia?"

"You seem upset, are you okay?"

"I'll tell you later, you're late," he puts his hand on my forehead briefly then walks away. I walk in to see a bunch of chaos. Hilyuomjec and humans running back and forth, I find Jesgel and ask him what is going on. At this point Justin comes in and listened. Basically one of the Hilyuomjec almost died because he had some sort of reaction to the medicine because there was a secondary virus, which when combined with the Byusloca virus and it's cure medicine it can be VERY deadly to a Hilyuomjec. (It causes muscles to tighten around important arteries and certain malfunctions in important muscles such as the heart, good thing they have two!){Olivia laughs at that last bit} So everyone was running around checking to see if anyone else has said virus and kept them contained from everyone else because there is no medicine to fight Crentloca (the more recent virus).

After checking over 500 Hilyuomjec for any signs of Crentloca and moving another 50 of those to quarantine (and over 100 more to a separate quarantine area because they were next to the 50, we didn't want to risk any kind of spread of the virus) we were all exhausted. But we still had work to do so we didn't have time to rest. We all did vitals of our patients and gave everyone their medicine.

Also, every time someone comes in for an injury or because they feel sick they usually come to me since I'm right by the door, which usually makes it so I take even longer with my regular duties. But for some reason today Jesgel was very much trying to get me out, not only on time, but early. He would go directly to them and help them before I could do anything, and he was helping me with MY responsibilities, which was more than weird...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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