Valentines Special

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(Please note this short has nothing to do with he actual story, I just thought it would be fun to have a special thing for our little lovers, and this will take place as though they met on earth and the earth isn't literally just about to explode.)

{Olivia is in a light blue sundress that overlap at her breasts and ties behind her neck (like the one int he pick but longer and more flowey and baby blue), she is wearing simple make up that complements both her and the dress she is wearing and her gorgeous wavy red hair in a half up}

Rebol and I have been dating for six months today, and I kinda wanted to take him somewhere nice. So I told him to meet me at the local park (which we like to take walks in sometimes after he gets off work) and I get dressed up, actually I'm still wearing what I was, {she laughs nervously.}

When I get there, Rebol looks at me a little shocked since I don't normally dress up for our walks. "Did something happen today that I don't know of?" he asks me in Ckoup.

I laughed, "well us humans do like to celebrate anniversaries of important events,"

He looked confused, "yes, but is there one today?"

I sighed and you could tell I was disappointed, "your species too?"

He looked at me even more confused now, "I'm sorry? I don't understand..."

"Men always forget anniversaries..." I said in sadly

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't aware today was an anniversary," the way he said it, you could tell he was being 100% genuine.

I sigh and reply, "it's the six month mark..." he still looked confused, so I decided to rephrase and I could feel my face heat up for some strange reason, "we... we've been dating for six months as of today."

He had this look of realization, "oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize humans celebrated their relational anniversary every six months, it was to my understanding you celebrated once a year."

"Well normally you do just celebrate the year mark, unless it is your first six months, because humans hardly ever go that long in a relationship anymore."

"I see, and I'm guessing you had planned for today?" he asked already knowing the answer. I smiled and nodded and he bent over and kissed my forehead and I smiled even wider. I grabbed his hand and started walking to the place where I had set up a nice little dinner.

When we arrive only a few minutes later, he had an expression I didn't even know they could make, he was completely and utterly awestruck. I found this place a few months ago and liked to come here to think. It's in the rubble, but it has an amazing view of the ruins from up on top of this hill and with the mountains behind the city, the sunset is the most amazing thing to watch. Of course I set up a little table and two chairs so we could eat.

"I didn't expect this in the slightest," he said being overly blunt and honest and I just giggle, because that is so him.

"I also made us some food, I got a few recipes from Jesgel of food from your home, that he said you liked. Obviously I had to replace a few ingredients with similar things from here on earth but it's as close as I could get them."

Before I knew it, he held me in a tight embrace, it wasn't too tight though, it was a comforting tight. He put his forehead to mine, I thought he was going to kiss me, which he has never done, but instead I could feel a vibrating and... I can't explain it exactly, but it was just such a wonderful, soothing and entrancing feeling. I just wanted to stay like that forever.

My hopes fell though as he pulled away and just smiled. "Thank you Olivia, this is the best thing anyone has done for me in a long time..."

I just smiled and nodded, "I just hope I got the recipes right."

He laughed, "I'm sure it will be wonderful."

"I suggest you wait until you try it before saying anything."

He laughed again and nodded, he took off the lid, grabbed a fork, and started to eat and his eyes widened. I was so worried that it was bad and that I screwed up big time, that I almost got up to take the food away and throw it away, when he finally relaxed and his face turned to pleasure."This tastes just like from back home!" he (actually) exclaimed after finishing the bite he took then just kept eating and eating.

I giggled at that (you know since he's usually pretty conservative and usually used nothing but manners), "good, I was hoping so" I smiled just happy I finally managed to do something so wonderful for him.

We ate and talked a little, I think he was too indulged in his food to really focus on conversation though. {Olivia giggles.} Once we were both done, I got up, motioned for Rebol to follow me, and walked over to a higher part of the pile of rubble and sat on a flat piece of concrete, Rebol following right behind me. Luckily we finished our food just in time to watch the sun set behind the mountains and I was so very happy that we had a wonderful end to such a wonderful date, or so I thought.

After the sun set I was going to head home and of Rebol course being Rebol, he insisted on walking me home, so we walked back to my home. I was about to walk into my house when he put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see what was wrong, then he moved his hand from my shoulder to my cheek and put his other hand on my other cheek. I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he put his forehead to mine again and I felt a vibrating and it calmed me and I felt nothing but pure joy. I smiled when he pulled away and kissed his cheek and went inside.

Now that was the perfect ending to an amazing date. {Olivia sighed and then turned off the camera}

(A/N: I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day and I wanted to wish my brother (and current "editor") a happy early birthday -_^*)

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