Log 14

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A/N: OMG I️ JUST LOOKED AND I️ CANT BELIEVE THIS HAS OVER 120 READS!!!!! *pumps fist in the air and jumps* YYYEESSS!!!! XD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

And now back to your regularly scheduled story


Log 14

{Olivia turns the camera back on} ... Well... um... oops... guess the camera was on... So... um... no need to make a log about that huh...? {Olivia sits there awkwardly while blushing} Well... I'll just tell you about the day... I think I told you about Rebol's meeting and about the women... so I pretty much just have to tell you about my meeting with Jesgel...

So after my shift, I went to Jesgel's office to talk with him about Rebol's blush from the other day. When I walked in, he looked up at me, "Ms. Olivia? Do you need something?"

I nod and he points to a chair and I sat, "um... well..." I slightly blushed, "a few days ago, when you gave me and Rebol the day off, he... blushed... but when we first met, he didn't seem to know what blushing is..." I rambled as he sat there patiently waiting for me to finish. "So... what happened...?"

He sighed, got up and started walk towards the door, "follow me, I have some work I must attend to, I will explain it as I work." I got up and followed him, "first tell me what happened prior."

I thought for a second, "well, we got things sorted out, he made us lunch, and as he was cooking, we had a conversation about the trait a Hilyuomjec is born with..."

He looks at me confused, "why would a conversation about that occur...?"

"Well... I've notice Rebol isn't the happiest person when it comes to his job, but when he cooks, he's super happy. Then when I asked him about it he said that "it's one of the the few things that [he] truly enjoy[s]", then I asked him why that isn't his job, so he explained it to me." Jesgel nods and continued to listen as he worked, "then later I asked him about the other things he enjoys, he smiled and said that they're cooking, reading, spending time with his family, and "as of recently... spending time with [me]," and that's when he blushed..." I said blushing myself. Jesgel looked at me in realization, "ah, that is not a blush. A blush is a human feature that happens when your sympathetic nervous system causes the blood vessels in your face to widen due to a sudden and strong emotion such as embarrassment or stress. What you saw was an involuntary vibrating of the Tinma, called Nontral, it occurs when a Hilyuomjec speaks affectionately of their mate or their mate of them."

"Oh..." I said, "then if it's just vibrating, why did it change color...?"

"Ah, yes.. well... that is... something that is a little more complicated..." I looks at him confused, "the simple version is, the vibrating causes the muscles around the Tinma to severely relax along with slightly opening some of the blood vessels."

"...So... the muscles relaxing changes the color..?"

"Yes, have you not noticed Rebol's skin change color when he is alone with you, versus when he is with others?"


"He will relax around just you, causing his skin to darken, it is part of both our culture and natural reactions."

"So, your people tense around anyone that's not family or their mate?" He nods, "okay... then how does it get complicated?"

"That is for him to explain.. not me..."


"Do you have any other questions?"

"Um... No... thank you..." I said, he knows and I walk back to the room which led to the previous log... so... yeah... bye. {Olivia turns the camera off.}

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