Log 9

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Log 9

Welp, it's been a week since my last log. Most of the women in the infirmary have gotten worse and more keep coming... it's pretty sad really... You see all the families come and visit... Then watch as they get weaker. We had a few more women almost die on us, after the second, Jesgel taught a few other Hilyuomjec to use the Gavogurvo, which I later learned is the name of that tube like machine, he couldn't teach me and Justin because our hands are to small. And there is only one who has even gotten close to starting to show any signs of getting any better.

We still don't know what is causing these women to get sick, nor why the men aren't getting sick... and Jesgel is starting to worry me... Hilyuomjec don't need as much sleep (usually 4-5 hours) nor as much food as we do (two meals), but he hasn't been getting enough, even for them. Which is why I'm making this log, I found out something that was pretty freaking shocking (plus it's my birthday, I'm officially 16! Which means I'm legally an adult! Hahaha!){(In this world after WWIII, the population went so far down to less than 1 billion and the life expectancy dropped from 80 years to 50-60 years, so yeah, they changed legal age form 18 to 16)}

So this morning, when I walked out of my family's room to go get breakfast, I saw Rebol walking down the hall, so I ran up to him, "Rebol!"

He turned around, "Olivia, What is it, my friend?"

"Just wondering where you're going."

"I am on my way to first meal."

"Sweet, me too, wanna go together?" I asked smiling

"Of course."

We got our usual breakfasts and sat down in our usual spots. We talked about nonsense for a little while, which seems a little weird now since he's Hilyuomjec, but it was fun nonetheless.Then I decided to talk to Rebol about Jesgel, "Hey Rebol?" He turned to look at me, for me to continue, "I'm worried about Jesgel..." his face contorted to that a mixture of that face he had my first day and worry. "He hasn't been eating enough, nor is he getting enough sleep." Rebol stands up puts his tray away and stormed out of the room. I put mine away and followed him, "what's wrong?" He didn't answer, which was way out of character for any Hilyuomjec, especially Rebol... the first thought that popped into my head was that they were more than just colleges.

But before I could say anything else, he stormed into Jesgel's office and slams his hands of the desk, "Brother! Why haven't you been taking of yourself?!"

I was expecting them to speak Ckoup but they spoke english... also they normally call each other brother, but the way he said it to Jesgel was...different... {Olivia said almost sad}

"I have to find what is happening to the female humans," he said calmly, not looking away from his research. Then he looked up at Rebol, "and what about you brother? You marked a human!" he said glancing at me when he said human.

I look at them shocked, "Woah, woah, woah, who did what to who? And why do you keep saying 'brother' like that?"

They both looked at me surprised, then Jesgel glares at Rebol, "I can't tell her, you have to! Take her to your quarters and fix this," then he kicked us out of his office.

I looked at Rebol with confusion and curiosity, but before I could say anything, he picked me up and ran into his quarters (I didn't even know anyone could run that fast...) When we got there, the door opened and he walked in, then set me down. All of this was just so confusing... Hilyuomjec aren't only big on personal space, but they never, ever let anyone into their personal quarters, especially women. After he set me down, he took off his Ametel (or arm sash) and his Vujto, I was so confused because they never take those off except around family and family alone...

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