Log 16

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Log 16

Alright, so it's been 1 month, 1 week and 5 days. I'm feeling better, which is nice.

Um... Nothing much has happened since I last logged, I helped the women today, not much excitement, some are the same others are getting worse, and more keep coming in... and the worst part is no one is getting better...

Jesgel still hasn't found what's causing any of this. He's gotten a few theories, but all of them were wrong... he first thought our species couldn't handle Byusloca which was proven wrong when a few humans got it including males. Then he thought it was the food, but then why would only be affecting the women? He also had a few other theories, but still don't understand them... {Olivia sighs} Oh well, that's why I'm learning right?

Oh! I don't think I said this in the last log! When I was working with the Hilyuomjec yesterday, some Hilyuomjec came in with some odd blisters... I hadn't seen those before, but apparently Justin had, he said they were Lirom which are blisters that form because the top layer of skin cells doesn't like extreme temperature change.

So... yeah... that's everything... bye.

{Olivia turns off the camera}

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