Log 6

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Log 6

Okay, so basically what happened was all the Hilyuomjec went around and got everyone and we went to the center if the ship. once we got there, there was a magnificently ginormous auditorium. Everyone walked in with awe, I mean seriously! We knew that the ship was big, but wow... hahaha

So we walked into the auditorium and once everyone sat down, the captain (or what I thought was the captain) walked on the stage.

"Good evening everyone, my name is..." Suk...

[Josh? what was his name again?]


[Thanks.]{She smiles.}
"... I am the head of this ship." Another Hilyuomjec walks up to Suku... Ske...

{Olivia throws her arms in the air and grunts in frustration}

... The head of the ship and hands him some sort of tablet. He looks up to all of us and says, "the reason I have called all of you here, is to tell you that due to a sudden illness of many of my brethren, we ask for volunteers to help with the ship, They will be simple tasks or tasks that is able to be preformed from occupation, thank you."

At this, everyone started talking to each other, because no one really has an "occupation" anymore. I mean, yeah we get jobs, but they're small and can be done without that high of an education... like, sometimes we had to use simple math that we learned at the local "school", but that's really it.

Anyways, not long after everyone started talking, the head of the ship walked off and another walked on. "Anyone who wants to volunteer, please go to the table outside, if there are any questions, please come up here and one of us will try to help you." He then walks off the stage and everyone starts getting up.

I turned to mom, " hey mom?"

"Yes dear, what is it?"

"Could I volunteer?"

"Why? So you can spend more time with Rebol?" Josh buts in.

I stick my tongue out at him and mom steps in, "now, now you two, no fighting here, is that understood?" mom gave Josh a stern look and he nodded, "good. Now, to answer your question, Olivia, yes, you may volunteer. It'll help show our appreciation for them, in fact we're all going volunteer, aren't we?" She looks at Alex and Josh with that look that says "you are going to do as I say, or you're in big trouble."

"But mom," Josh whined, and mom glared at him, "yes mother..." he said reluctantly.

So we went to the table and signed up. To sign up, we each had to fill out a form, talking about what we are good at, what we aren't good at, etc., etc., etc., they even asked how we wanted to help. I thought that was pretty cool, but... when I thought about it... I didn't know how I wanted to help... then I remembered what that one Hilyuomjec said about other Hilyuomjec getting sick, I had always been good with a first aid kit. So, I signed up for that.

I walked over to the table, gave the Hilyuomjec the form and he told me to go with Rebol (who I had just then realized was standing behind him the whole time) to the infirmary.

Rebol nodded to me and we started to walk. He broke the silence first, "so you wish to be a doctor?"

"Not exactly, I want to help, but I'm not very good with a lot of things... except a first aid kit," I said laughing nervously.

"That my friend, would be a lie," he said looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

I could feel my face go a little red, "what do you mean?"

"You are very good at making me and my brethren smile." He didn't even look at me and he said it so frankly, I was sure I was a tomato...

{Josh laughs and points at Olivia}

[shut up Josh!]

{Josh sticks his tongue out and walks away}

"Oh... Um... O-Okay..." I said.

He finally looked at me, "I'm sorry, I have embarrassed you again, haven't I?"

"Oh, no, you're fine," I laughed nervously. Then we finally got to the infirmary. Rebol walks up to someone who seemed to be in charge and spoke him, but he was to far to hear what he said, and then he came back over to me.

"This is Jesgel," (at least that name is easy to say), "he is the head doctor and will be training you, and any other volunteers."

I looked at him confused, "training?"

Jesgel smiled a kind smile "yes, you did ask to help here correct?"

"Yeah, I guess I do need some medical knowledge, huh?" I laughed nervously.

He nods and turns to Rebol and speaks Ckoup. then it happened again, I thought I heard him say "are you sure about this?" and Rebol nods and then he spoke Ckoup again... I swear my brain plays the weirdest tricks on me...

Anyways, so then Rebol looks at me, says goodbye, and leaves, then Jesgel motions for me to walk with him. When I follow him, He leads me to a room with a lot of books, I've never seen so many books before... (I didn't even know there were books on this ship, unless people brought them on...)

"There are several things about our kind that you will need to know, if you wish to help." He said grabbing a thick book and turning towards me. "this is the book you shall be studying from, are you sure you still want to volunteer here?"

I nod, "yes, it's really the only thing I can do."

He nodded understanding, "as you wish, " he said handing me the book "please read the first three chapters by tomorrow, and please be here directly after first meal."

I nodded and open the book to check it out a little, but I noticed it was in Ckoup, so I looked up at Jesgel just as he was about to leave and said, "um..." He turned around, "this is in Ckoup, I can't read it..."

"Oh, forgive me," he then takes the book back, puts it into a machine. He pushes some buttons, and the machine began to make a whirring noise. After a few minutes, the noise stopped and Jesgel pulled out the book and a small device and he pushed a button and it opened up into a tablet. "This is your English version, please if there is anything that seems to be mistranslated, do not hesitate to come to me for help."

I nodded and smiled, "thank you, Jesgel."

"Then I will see you tomorrow. "I nodded and he led me to the door and I headed to my room. {She pauses to think if there was anything else she wanted to say.}

Well, I should probably get to reading. {She smiles and laughs nervously.} Bye.

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